In understanding the Law of Attraction, we come to realize that we attract into our lives whatever we give our Attention, Energy and Focus to.
Whether wanted or unwanted.
That with synchronicity, we attract from the outside what we resonate with, on the inside, bringing into our life what we momentarily strongly focus upon.
In other words, that by having an optimistic attitude and focusing on success, one attracts these, while having a cynical depressed attitude attracts negative experiences.
During my introduction to the Law of Attraction, I needed to make a shift to the positive; I’d surely had enough negative experience to last a lifetime. Before to long my life carried on staying the same, bills, debt, more bills, more debt, you get the picture. What was happening?
Understanding the Law of Attraction principles was not a problem, I focused on the positive, and all I was getting was the same old deal.
So watching The Secret DVD for the umpteenth, I started to get the message, I needed faith, I needed to believe and be grateful and this elusive Law of Attraction would kick in.
Great, I had the answer, say thank you to everyone and all would be OK!
The postman got a thank you for not bringing a bill, the trolley boy at the supermarket got one for leaving a trolley out for me, so did the checkout girl because there was no queue.
I thanked the ATM machine, the bank manager, the kid on the bike, my computer, the cooker, heck I must be the most grateful person on the planet, this Law of Attraction ain’t going turn me down.
After a few days of this everything started to go wrong, you guessed it, the postman brought a bill, the trolley boy left no trolley, the checkout girl left a queue, even the ATM stopped giving me money.
What’s going wrong?
Back on went the film The Secret,
What was I missing?
Then those words rang out at me again, in understanding the Law of Attraction process you needed Faith and Belief.
But how could I Believe? This stuff hadn’t worked up to now, so how could I believe? Tell me how it works and then I’ll Believe,
Don’t worry about How The Law of Attraction works, the film The Secret tells us. “You don’t need to know, you don’t know how electricity works, but you still use it”
But that’s not fair! With electricity, I don’t need faith, I plug the kettle in and get a steaming cup of coffee, whether I believe it or not.
So the question is, if I focus on the fact that I have little money, bad health, or a poor relationship, how and why does the Law of Attraction respond by giving me more of what I’m focusing on?
And if I shift my focus to the positive how do my desires come true?
And this is the great secret of the secret, in understanding The Law of Attraction and knowing how it works, you’ll start to trust it.
Trust it and you’ll start to believe it. Believe it, and it will start to respond and only then can you start to refine, mold, and create your desired reality.
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