Sunday, April 19, 2009

Awesome Giveaway from Tellman

Tellman went CRAZY!

the 13th module

I don't know if you've ever hear of his
Perpetual Marketing Machine, but short
of Mass Control by Frank Kern it's probably
the most revered and sought after home
study course ever made.

The success rate of his students is
absolutely outstanding.

Between Tellman and his students,
a whopping $2 mil has been pulled in
over the last year alone using only
what you'll find inside the course.

and here's the kicker:


the 13th module

He's actually handing out copies of this
thing all 'willy-nilly', to anyone who wants
to learn.

(you can bet I grabbed mine already!)

I hope you get over there quick, because I know
he's not keeping it up there for all to grab for very
long, but he won't say exactly when it's coming down...

anyway, I wanted you to have the chance to learn
how you can start pulling in five figures a week like
his students :-)

the 13th module

(That way you can buy more stuff from me!)

Grab yours while it's still a freebie,
a chance like this only comes around
once in a while -


"fortune favors the bold"


Fran Watson

the 13th module

I didn't get you an Easter present,
so consider this a gift from me...

it's worth about four grand, so it's not
like I cheaped out on you :-)

the 13th module

Thursday, April 2, 2009

From This Moment Forward

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forward." - Kierkegaard

I am currently reading some books that I ordered from simple truths This article is from Mac Anderson's book - Charging the Human Battery. These books are not available in your local bookstore, they are only available on this site and it is an amazing site to visit. There is a wealth of information.

I love this quote by Mac Anderson:

"Just remember...people are like sticks of dynamite; the power's on the inside, but nothing happens until the fuse gets lit."

Here is a sample from the book - page 27

Understanding that we control our own destiny is key to our success in life. Simply put, when we decide how we want our life to be we must take responsibility and move forward.

Lance Wubbels has captured the essence of the "live life forward" idea with these simple but powerful affirmations:

From this moment forward...I stop the blame game and excuses. I am responsible for my life and for where I am today. I cannot blame the people an circumstances in my past, and I refuse to hide behind my past mistakes.

From this moment forward...I take responsibility for my thoughts, beliefs, decisions, and actions. If I am unhappy with something in my life, the power to change lies within me.

From this moment forward...I rid my soul of all bitterness, grudges, rage and anger against others. I will forgive others and stop wasting my life by trying to get even. I will be kind and compassionate to others.

From this moment forward...I will focus on knowing what I desire in life and let it light a fire under me. I want to run through life with passion.

Take a moment to write your own "From this moment forward." It takes courage, but it can change your life!

To your forward moments...may they be great moments!

Fran Watson

P.S. Come back for more snippets from the books I am reading and check out my public speaking blog