This is huge! SARK just announced you can download a free recording of her Dream Boogie class!
Big news! Best-selling author and artist SARK (aka Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy) has just announced that she is inviting anyone to download the recording of the first class of Dream Boogie with SARK for free, just so you can experience "Dream Boogie" first-hand and see what it's all about, without any cost or obligation. Registration is open through Wednesday April 21, but if you sign up by SARK's birthday (Monday April 19), you get a bonus jump-start workbook called "SARK's Purple Dream Crayon: A Playbook for Naming Your Dream"
SARK has been teaching workshops all around the world for over 25 years, but Dream Boogie is actually her very first live teleclass series. It’s a dream productivity program that is packed with inspiration and innovation to help you move from dreaming to DOing.
In addition to the free call on Wednesday, you can enjoy some fun, free "Dream Boogie" samples, including interview audio snippets, plus colorful SARK videos, workbook downloads, and other funky little goodies for your dream.
P.S. Visit Planet SARK for more info