Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Another year, another chance to start over; to change the things you have been doing incorrectly and do them correctly, to take action on the dreams you have by setting some short-term goals, by writing down your goals and then taking the necessary steps to achieve them.

Perhaps you want to learn something new. First you decide what it is you want to learn, then how do you want to learn it - CD, reading, video, self-help group of some type - then you research how to obtain the necessary information, then you get the information and get started.

Do you need some encouragement as you pursue your goals? I can help. Leave a comment to let me know what your goals are and I will keep in touch with you to check in on your progress. Remember, nothing happens without ACTION, so take some action in the right direction. Set your first mini-goal and take your first step. YOU CAN DO IT!

All the best

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