Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Attract Unlimited Success

7 Laws of Attraction to Attract Unlimited Success
By Michael Lee

Of the laws that govern the universe, the most powerful is the universal law of attraction, which simply states that whatever you put out into the world, the same will return to you. Furthermore, there are 7 Laws of Attraction that define every aspect of this phenomenon. These laws are the ultimate keys to your success. Here are the 7 Laws of Attraction and how they can help change your life for the better:   1. The Law of Manifestation   Your consciousness plays a huge part in the creation of your desired state. It is the architect laying out the blueprint for your success. Every detail is scrutinized by a meticulous eye, designing only what is best and correcting any irregularities in the grand plan. If it is not worthwhile or does not enrich your life, it must be abandoned in favor of an honorable pursuit. Focus on what's truly important, and your deepest desires will manifest themselves to you.   2. The Law of Unwavering Desire If you want something so purely and completely and you believe with all your heart that you deserve it, that you must have it, then you can only be sending out the right vibrations for the universe to receive and send back to you. Let no fear or doubts hold you back.   3. The Law of Delicate Balance Desperation is a negative emotion; and when you are desperate to have something, you may be sending out the wrong signals. It may seem like a contradiction to Law # 2, where desiring is beneficial to the attraction of positive energy towards yourself; but these 2 cases are different. You must strike a delicate balance between the dream you hope to come true, and living contentedly in the moment. Do not make your goal the singular object of your desire that you neglect all other aspects of your life. Just know that it will happen in time and that, while waiting, you need not be so despondent.   4. The Law of Magnetism In school we were taught that opposite poles attract and like poles repel each other. Not so in this case. Energy is as pervasive as air. It is all around us, even within us, and we ourselves radiate energy, though often we aren't even aware of it. But what we must know is that whatever kind of energy we emit-whether positive or negative-is the same kind we attract as it returns to us from the universe. What goes around comes around, as the saying goes.   5. The Law of Synchronization The universe has much to offer in terms of gifts and gains. These fruits are yours for the taking, if you but align yourself and be in close harmony with the 'Giver.' Do not fight the flow or resist the order of things. You are part of a greater whole, not a separate entity; to throw yourself into this realm and bask in it is not only a duty but a birthright.   6. The Law of Universal Influence Do not take the tiniest of actions for granted. Even the most seemingly harmless of deeds can have influence, for we are all connected and, therefore, what I do affects you to a certain extent, and vice versa. Since you are practically glowing with energy, which vibrates and is carried out into the world, it follows that others will pick up on it and be impacted by it. So exude only the positive.   7. The Law of Conscientious Action Much like the principle of karma, this Law of Attraction follows the rule, "What you sow, you shall reap." Carry yourself with dignity and act only in a way that is honorable-to yourself and to others-and the rewards will be plenty.   Make the 7 Laws of Attraction work for you now and you won't need to find your fortune-your fortune will find you.   Resource Box: Michael Lee has unleashed the hidden power of universal laws of attraction and success. Listen to the audio at   BANABU - Building A New And Better U / Building A New And Better Universe Fran

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