by Jeff Baas
Is it more than just a feel-good bunch of platitudes?
Yes, I know it's a weird name. BANABU (Building a New and Better Universe) may not be geared specifically toward business owners. It helps you, though, to fix a crucial, but often ignored problem that is at the core of every failed business.
Unloading the baggage that holds your business back.
When you first started your business, you likely felt somewhat unprepared. You were venturing into unknown territory. You had a lot to learn. The sad fact is that most business owners never progress beyond the beginning stage of starting a business.
Maybe that's where you're stuck right now. Maybe you're spending all your time searching for free information online about how to start a business. Maybe you're spending all your money buying every new info product on building a business.
The sad fact is that just about every business that falls short of the success its owner desires does so because we search for "the secret" to success in something we don't have. In reality, our best chance for success comes from properly using the resources we already have, but don't recognize.
The underlying problem with our business
We all bring certain baggage with us when we start a business online. It can range from simple procrastination to a mindset that actually tries to sabotage us whenever we get close to succeeding.
Yes, I know. That doesn't apply to you. You have everything well in hand. Yet let's face it. Here you are, looking for answers to why your business isn't living up to what you expected of it.
How BANABU attacks that problem
BABABU is designed to strip away those underlying problems that hold you back from whatever you want to accomplish. It uncovers the things you may unknowingly do to sabotage yourself. It reveals problems that are so much a part of the ways you've always dealt with life that you might not even see them. And it unveils resources you've had along and have never fully used.
A real-world approach
When I first decided to review BANABU, I approached it skeptically. I'd seen some of the pathetic self-help manuals out there. You know the kind I mean, the "Just visualize your perfect world and it is bound to come true" pieces of drivel told by some starry-eyed theorist. BANABU, though, takes a real-world approach to dealing with the baggage that so often holds us back.
OK, there were a couple of things that sounded a little new-agey at times, but the thing that impressed me was how down-to-earth it was. The author, Mike Kemski, doesn't speak from what he thinks "should" work; he speaks from real-world experience.
He describes himself as having gone from being a drug-addicted high school dropout on the verge of suicide to being a successful husband, father, and business owner today.
He has earned his right to speak about overcoming baggage.
He chastises the unrealistic approaches of the theorists. And he demands that any approach to growth must be grounded in reality, not in wishful thinking.
His approach:
He breaks the course down into 11 principles that lead to greater effectivess and satisfaction in life. And, using down-to-earth language and exercises, he leads you to see how to:
Control the level of energy you operate at.
Use the things you don't want to help you obtain the things you do
Identify and change the attitudes that hold you back
And there's plenty more.
My experience with BANABU
But perhaps the best thing I can say about it is the effect it had on me. When I started reading it, I was in a serious funk about a whole pack of things I had overcommitted myself to.
I felt overwhelmed, resentful, cynical, and extremely negative. Those attitudes were hampering my work and adding tension to my family life as well.
I read the first two chapters of BANABU and everything in it hit home with me. I saw what I was doing to myself, put down the book, and started using the exercises it described to get myself back on a positive track.
It worked immediately. I went back to work in a much more positive frame of mind. (And, boy, was my wife relieved!)
I come back to it again and again to keep myself on track. Nothing gets me out of a rut and back to working productively and successfully as well as BANABU does.
BANABU makes sense. And it works. And if you respond well to a down-to-earth approach, I'm sure it will hit home with you, too. It's a great way to get a fresh perspective on yourself and unload the baggage that holds you and your business back.
I rate it a 10 out of 10
Find out more about overcoming the baggage that holds your business back:
Why don't you check it out now?
Fran Watson
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