When we try to use a relationship to serve our own purposes, we falter
because we are reinforcing our illusion of need.” – Marianne Williamson

“It’s 9 am already; the day has begun. I wonder what surprises this
new day will bring,” said my 102 year old grandmother over breakfast
during my last visit. What is so remarkable to me about her
question is that she can barely stand on her own, walks only with a
walker, and spends most of her time confined to either her chair or
bed. It is hard to imagine myself in her shoes wondering what
'surprises’ the new day might bring. In her place, I think I would
fixate on the numbing sameness of each day.
What about you? Would you look forward to the surprises each day might bring?
After several moments of silence, she added, “I expect today will be
what we make of it.” Barely able to walk and barely able to hear,
she brings the same thing to each day; she brings joy, empathy and
an impish sense of fun. Each day that she wakes up with her spirit
intact, she sets out to enjoy another day living it. What a gift.
Those of us who are many times more able-bodied might sometimes
forget to focus on celebrating another day, or on bringing our
living soul to work. Lost in daily routine it can be easy to forget
to experience that simple joy of being alive. When we do, I believe
we are more open to the surprises any day can bring.
This week, what can you do to be open to surprises in your life?
EPILOGUE: The next day we found out that just 3 hours after my
grandmother asked, “What surprises might this day bring?” she became
a great-great-grandmother two more times over as a great-grandson
became the father of twins.
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Paul Huschilt is an award-winning speaker who specializes in humour
and workplace wellness. Visit www.paulhuschilt.com to see if he
might be the perfect intervention at your next meeting.
Remember to
Building A New And Better Universe
“Ever Been Hit With A Solid Left Hook?”
Have you ever been coasting along doing great when all of the sudden out of the blue life decides to Jack you with a strong left hook right to the jaw? Of course you have, we’ve all had that experience. The one thing that can make all the difference in the world when determining what will happen next is if you are on a journey of self discovery and personal development or not.
The difference can clearly be seen when you look at 2 people that take a shot to the chin from life and their reactions to that shot. If you have a strong and serving mindset, one of a champion, a winner, and a leader that comes from being a student of constant self improvement, you will turn that knock out punch into a useful experience in your life.
If not… well we all know the answer to that one.
What do you do when life gives you a sneaky left hook to the jaw and you get…
your lights knocked out?
Do you leave the “ring” with your head hung low because you “lost”? I know I’ve done that many times in my life. When you take a nice shot to the chin and get your bell rung, it can take a minute or 2 to re-group and re-gain your composure.
You know what I mean…
When you get injured and life slows down to a crawl, when you have an unexpected death in the family, when your investments don’t pan out and you take a financial hit, when you just get so frustrated that you want to quit!
That’s life’s left hook to the jaw and it happens to all of us, even the people that appear to have a “perfect” life.
But what you need to get out of this post is this…
There’s Only One Difference
There is only one difference between the person that seems to have that perfect life and the person who seems to get beat every time they try…
The person that has the success and great life gets back up, shakes it off, and realizes that they got knocked down but the fights not over.
The people that fail are the people who get knocked down and then think they lost for getting knocked down.
This applies to ever area of life.
When you get turned down for a date, when you don’t make money on a project, when you get passed by on that promotion at work, and when you get told you have to stop eating Krispy Kreams and start eating some carrots or you’re going to die!
It makes no difference what it might be for you, the truth is you’ll get hit with a sneaky left hook to the jaw at some point in life if you’re working on creating a better life.
Just remember this…
The people that quit when they get knocked down from life’s blows call it failure.
The people that get up and keep on moving forward towards their goals and desires call it experience.
The question is…
Are you going to have a life full of failure or a life full of experience?
Mike Kemski & Fran Watson
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