Here is an article by one of my colleagues. I hope you enjoy it.
Lenny's Tip For The Day: Don't replace the garage door!
For weeks, every time Lenny and Kathy would back the car out of the garage to leave the house, the remote-controlled garage door would shake, hit a certain point, then bounce back open again. After multiple attempts to close the door (hitting the remote control at just the right time, getting out of the car and pulling down the door by hand, or the ultimate - performing the complex, "Please, please close now" ritual) somehow, it would eventually shut.
One day, after 10 frustrating tries to close the door, Kathy resorted to calling a repair shop and asking them to come look at the door. The next day a technician arrived. After assessing the situation he said, "Ma'am, you need a new garage door. This one is old, worn out, and coming off the tracks."
Given his recommendation, and her own level of aggravation, Kathy felt she had no other choice than to replace the door.
Later that same day, Kathy's next-door neighbor came for a visit and Kathy mentioned the broken garage door. The neighbor asked to take a look and after he did he said, "Kathy, you don't need a new door. The door is just out of balance. It just needs something to stabilize it." He returned a few minutes later with a metal bar and attached it to the top of the door. It was like magic. The door opened and closed with ease!
Lenny has observed humans and has noticed that they sometimes allow their lives to get out of balance, without even realizing that a lack of balance is the source of their problems. Sometimes balance shifts through overuse, lack of maintenance, or inattention and that makes people begin to get off track. Often times, just making a small life adjustment will help stabilize us, get us functioning and working again with ease!
Lenny's Challenge: Take 60 seconds and ask yourself, "Am I out of balance? Working to hard? Not spending enough time with my family and loved ones? Not taking enough time for myself? What is one thing I can do today to make an adjustment that will help stabilize my life and bring it back on track and into balance?" Before you decide to "buy a new door," how can you learn to recognize your own state of balance?
Staying balanced is 100% your choice! Shed or You're Dead (TM)!
Announcing NEW BRIDGES program!
Kathy Dempsey has partnered with Bob Danzig, former CEO of Hearst Newspapers, to bring you a new spirit-driven leadership program called Bridges - Connecting the spirit, commitment, and morale of your colleagues to your organization's noble purpose. Visit for more information.
Order Kathy's new book, Shed or You're Dead (TM): 31 unConventional Strategies for Growth and Change (recipient of a Writer's Digest International Book Award). It makes a great gift for family, friends, colleagues, or staff! Do you know someone who needs a few strategies to get unstuck and grow? To order personalized and autographed copies, visit or call 302-765-3301. Shed or You're Dead (TM) is $15.95. Free shipping to the first 10 people who mention this message! Order five or more copies and get 30% off the cover price.
Does your organization need a little help shedding? Looking for a speaker or trainer for your next meeting? Need help in 2004 with strategic planning? Kathy and Lenny's facilitated programs might be just what you need. Email or visit for more details.
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Kathy B Dempsey - - 302-765-3301 - - Helping individuals and organizations grow by "shedding their skin."
Change Management - Communication - Strategic Planning
Here's to staying in balance!
Fran Watson
3119 Stone Road
Ontario K0J 1S0
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