As I read this quote on Paul and Layne’s blog today I thought about how it relates to people. How often do we wither when we are in the wrong workplace, the wrong relationship, the wrong situation for us?
Think of the changes you have seen in people you know when they met the “right” person, got the “right” job for them or moved out of a bad situation. Just like the Maple, they burst into life and their happiness explodes around them affecting everyone and everything.
If you are in a bad situation, you owe it to yourself to move into the light. Expose yourself to the warmth and possibilities. Explore your potential. If it is your job, look around and find another one. Don’t be trapped by false thinking. Maybe you’ve been told, “You’ve got a good job with good pay, you should stay there.” If you are unhappy, then all the money isn’t going to make you happy. You owe it to yourself to explore the type of job you really want, one that will make you happy. You are worth it.
If you are in a bad relationship, it’s time to move on. If you are in an abusive relationship, it’s time to run as fast as you can away from the situation and get yourself into a safe place. Every relationship has its ups and downs, as well as some bumps and hiccups, that’s normal, but if you can’t find any of the joy, then why stay? But be honest, not deceitful. Don’t carry on with another person while you are still in the relationship. Make a clean break. You need to get to know yourself before you start over or you may find yourself in the same type of relationship you just left.
You are what you believe you are. Your thoughts make you. Think happy, positive thoughts. Let them course through your body and burst forth like the leaves on the maple. Be bright. Be happy. Be who you really are!
To being your best self
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