Graham Hamer sent me a few life lessons that I want to share with you
Hi Fran,
Lesson: I don't care how good you are, you can't do everything well. Focus on what you're good at, and either hire people to do the rest or do without until you learn.
Lesson: When you know something that can help someone, tell them. It costs you nothing to share your knowledge, and you never know where it will lead.
Lesson: How you treat people will determine how people treat you. In short, your reputation precedes you. So what kind of reputation are you building?
Lesson: It's much easier to trust someone if they go out of their way to help you when there's nothing extra in it for them. Being helpful isn't just a "feel good" thing (although it does) - it makes good business sense.
Lesson: Know your stuff. Most experienced people turn down 90% or more of the deals that are offered to them. You need to know what you CAN do, what you WANT to do, and what you HAVE TIME to do.
Lesson: Before commiting to something, think about whether or not you can fulfill your obligations. It's critical to be dependable.
Lesson: To honest people a handshake is more important than a written contract. With honourable people, a contact is unnecessary. With dishonourable people, a contract is useless. So never agree to anything verbally that you wouldn't sign your name to.
Lesson: Friends are more important than deals. There are a million deals out there. Do you have a million friends?
Lesson: Don't BS people. Folks don't expect perfection or a walking encyclopedia Remember Harry Callahan's admonition: "A man's gotta know his limitations."
Lesson: Rushing things through to get the deal going is a major cause of failure. Rushing doesn't mean doing it fast. It means paying more attention to speed than to important details. It's possible to get both, if you are willing to do the work.
Lesson: Expect that customers will try and screw you. They may not always be aware that they're doing it, and they may lie to try and convince you that it wasn't their intention. It doesn't matter why they do it.... but they WILL do it!
Lesson: On the other hand, expect that people will tell you when someone is doing something they shouldn't. You'll be surprised at the number of people who will watch out for you if you have a reputation for honest dealings. (It's refreshing, believe me, so don't forget to thank them.)
Lesson: Be prepared for some things to work much better than you thought they would, and others to flop that you thought were "sure things." There are simply too many variables to predict everything right beforehand.
Lesson: Changes are an inescapable part of doing businesss. Being flexible is critical.
Check out more of Graham's stuff at Profit Arena
Have a Wonderful day
Fran Watson
Remember to BANABU
Fran Watson's Personal Development site. Tips and articles on BANABU - a way of life made known to me by Mike Kemski as well as other personal development articles I find interesting. Self-help, personal growth, ideas and suggestions for improved living.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
What Do You Think??
Paul Harvey says:
I don't believe in Santa Claus, but I'm not going to sue somebody for singing a Ho-Ho-Ho song in December.
I don't agree with Darwin, but I didn't go out and hire a lawyer when my high school teacher taught his theory of evolution.
Life, liberty or your pursuit of happiness will not be endangered because someone says a 30-second prayer before a football game.
So what's the big deal? It's not like somebody is up there reading the entire book of Acts. They're just talking to a God they believe in and asking him to grant safety to the players on the field and the fans going home from the game.
But it's a Christian prayer, some will argue.
Yes, and this is the United States of America and Canada, countries founded on Christian principles. According to our very own phone book, Christian churches outnumber all others better than 200-to-1. So what would you expect - somebody chanting Hare Krishna?
If I went to a football game in Jerusalem, I would expect to hear a Jewish prayer.
If I went to a soccer game in Baghdad, I would expect to hear a Muslim prayer.
If I went to a ping pong match in China, I would expect to hear someone pray to Buddha.
And I wouldn't be offended. It wouldn't bother me one bit. When in Rome. . . .
But what about the atheists? is another argument? What about them?
Nobody is asking them to be baptized. We're not going to pass the collection plate. Just humour us for 30 seconds. If that's asking too much, bring a Walkman or a pair of ear plugs. Go to the bathroom. Visit the concession stand. Call your lawyer!
Unfortunately, one or two will make that call. One or two will tell thousands what they can and cannot do. I don't think a short prayer at a football game is going to shake the world's foundations.
Christians are just sick and tired of turning the other cheek while our courts strip us of all our rights. Our parents and grandparents taught us to pray before eating; to pray before we go to sleep.
Our Bible tells us to pray without ceasing Now a handful of people and their lawyers are telling us to cease praying. God, help us!!
And if that last sentence offends you, well, just sue me.
The silent majority has been silent too long. It's time we let that one or two who scream loud enough to be heard that the vast majority don't care what they want. It is time the majority rules!
It's time we tell them, you don't have to pray; you don't have to say the pledge of allegiance; you don't have to believe in God or attend services that honour Him. That is your right, and we will honor your right.. But by golly, you are no longer going to take OUR rights away. We are fighting back, and we WILL WIN!
God bless us one and all, especially those who denounce Him. God bless America and Canada, despite all their faults. They are still the greatest nations of all
God bless our service men and women who are fighting to protect our right to pray and worship God.
May 2007 be the year the "silent majority" is heard and we put God back as the foundation of our families and institutions.
Keep looking up.
I about you???
Fran Watson
I don't believe in Santa Claus, but I'm not going to sue somebody for singing a Ho-Ho-Ho song in December.
I don't agree with Darwin, but I didn't go out and hire a lawyer when my high school teacher taught his theory of evolution.
Life, liberty or your pursuit of happiness will not be endangered because someone says a 30-second prayer before a football game.
So what's the big deal? It's not like somebody is up there reading the entire book of Acts. They're just talking to a God they believe in and asking him to grant safety to the players on the field and the fans going home from the game.
But it's a Christian prayer, some will argue.
Yes, and this is the United States of America and Canada, countries founded on Christian principles. According to our very own phone book, Christian churches outnumber all others better than 200-to-1. So what would you expect - somebody chanting Hare Krishna?
If I went to a football game in Jerusalem, I would expect to hear a Jewish prayer.
If I went to a soccer game in Baghdad, I would expect to hear a Muslim prayer.
If I went to a ping pong match in China, I would expect to hear someone pray to Buddha.
And I wouldn't be offended. It wouldn't bother me one bit. When in Rome. . . .
But what about the atheists? is another argument? What about them?
Nobody is asking them to be baptized. We're not going to pass the collection plate. Just humour us for 30 seconds. If that's asking too much, bring a Walkman or a pair of ear plugs. Go to the bathroom. Visit the concession stand. Call your lawyer!
Unfortunately, one or two will make that call. One or two will tell thousands what they can and cannot do. I don't think a short prayer at a football game is going to shake the world's foundations.
Christians are just sick and tired of turning the other cheek while our courts strip us of all our rights. Our parents and grandparents taught us to pray before eating; to pray before we go to sleep.
Our Bible tells us to pray without ceasing Now a handful of people and their lawyers are telling us to cease praying. God, help us!!
And if that last sentence offends you, well, just sue me.
The silent majority has been silent too long. It's time we let that one or two who scream loud enough to be heard that the vast majority don't care what they want. It is time the majority rules!
It's time we tell them, you don't have to pray; you don't have to say the pledge of allegiance; you don't have to believe in God or attend services that honour Him. That is your right, and we will honor your right.. But by golly, you are no longer going to take OUR rights away. We are fighting back, and we WILL WIN!
God bless us one and all, especially those who denounce Him. God bless America and Canada, despite all their faults. They are still the greatest nations of all
God bless our service men and women who are fighting to protect our right to pray and worship God.
May 2007 be the year the "silent majority" is heard and we put God back as the foundation of our families and institutions.
Keep looking up.
I about you???
Fran Watson
Friday, October 19, 2007
Your Worst Enemy
Who Is Our Worst Enemy?

Who do you consider as your worst enemy?
The criminals roaming the dark streets?
Your boss who's killing you mentally and
emotionally with stress and harsh words?
The people in office who are engaging in
graft and corruption, instead of helping
those in need?
We have many implications of who our enemies are;
but we have one common foe who is the main cause
of our failures and misfortunes, and
we're not even aware of this opponent.
You may not want to admit it, but our worst enemy is ourselves.
Who do you blame when something goes wrong?
You blame the people around you, the weather,
maybe even God. But we are the ones who
are in control of ourselves. We can change the outcome of our
lives because we have the capacity to do that.
It is our fear, jealousy, greed, etc. that is ruining
our lives. Some people who never managed to get out of
poverty blame the government or their jobs. But they're
too afraid to try out new ventures that may improve their
lives. They half-heartedly go to work on their 9 to 5 job.
Then when the day is done, they watch TV and go out aimlessly
having fun without seriously thinking of what great opportunity
the future has in store for them, if only they would try to do
something different with their lives.
Fear has caused many to remain frigid and to never go out
exploring the wonderful things this world has to offer.
Lots of people would rather stay where they are in an
unsatisfied state than to risk difficulties and obstacles
for the sake of attaining their dreams.
If their lives are not getting any better, they have no else
to blame but themselves.
Jealousy and envy has also caused some relationship problems.
Some people immediately jump to conclusions without first
analyzing the situation. They let their sudden emotions
control their behaviors without even thinking of the
consequences that may result.
If they're having problems with their relationships, they
have no else to blame but themselves.
This goes to show that we decide what will happen to us. Of
course, there are circumstances that are beyond our control,
like natural calamities. But we can still utilize to our best
advantage the things that we have control of.
For instance, you got rejected by your dream girl. Some
people would just get drunk and feel miserable, thinking that
it's the end of the world. Some will move onwards with their
lives and find the best in what remains with them. See? It's
really up to you. You decide if you want to have a good life
or not.
You failed in your exams? So what? There's another
opportunity. You can just sulk in sorrow or you can study
harder to get a high score in the future. It's up to you.
There's no use crying over spilled milk. You don't have to
get frustrated over your misfortunes. Concentrate on how
you could get better in the future.
If we encounter problems, we can either succumb to it, or we
can treat it as an opportunity to become stronger and to
become better individuals. Winners would always treat their
dilemmas as opportunities.
Oh yes. We can be our worst enemy, but we can also be our
best friend. It's all up to you!
Zaak O'Conan discovers and presents useful information
on to enhance and/or repair your life, body and relationships.
You'll find his other articles on how to improve your life
and expand your horizons at
Have you ever though about how easy it is
for you to control your thoughts?
You can make your mind bring up memories and
associations about things that you are not
even thinking anything about!
You can be deeply involved with a completely
unrelated train of thought and something as
simple as one sentence can activate your mind
and your emotions.
Your beliefs and memories are burned into your
mind from the input you are surrounded by
whether you like it or not.
Don't believe me?
Try it for yourself.
Read each of these lines and I bet you can finish
one or all of them.
===>Splish splash I was...
===>You aint nothin but a hound...
===>Goodness Gracious Great...
===>Don't you, step on my blue...
===>I fell in to a burning ring of...
So how'd you do?
Do you see how easy your mind can pull up thoughts
and memories that you are not even consciously aware
It just proves even more how critically important
the input in your life is.
If you want to be successful you need to become
the person that success seeks out instead of
being the person always chasing success.
You do that by constantly surrounding yourself
with information and energy that support that
In other words... The correct input that creates
success not stops it!
Turn of the TV, media, and everything else that
is trying to think for you and turn on your mind.
You will be amazed at how quickly things will
change for you.
When you install the correct and supportive
input into your life like BANABU, you condition
your mind for success.
Check out BANABU's 11principles
So when you think of things like relationships,
money, happiness, and success you instantly
think of happy loving fulfilling and rewarding
experiences just like when you hear the lines
of the songs above and are able to finish them.
You complete your thoughts with whatever input
you receive the most so... you better make sure
it is serving to you!
Let's make 2007-2008 the best year of your life!
Fill your daily experiences with information,
ideas, and experiences that condition you to
be the person success chases, not the person
that is always chasing success.
To your ever expanding success,
Fran Watson

Who do you consider as your worst enemy?
The criminals roaming the dark streets?
Your boss who's killing you mentally and
emotionally with stress and harsh words?
The people in office who are engaging in
graft and corruption, instead of helping
those in need?
We have many implications of who our enemies are;
but we have one common foe who is the main cause
of our failures and misfortunes, and
we're not even aware of this opponent.
You may not want to admit it, but our worst enemy is ourselves.
Who do you blame when something goes wrong?
You blame the people around you, the weather,
maybe even God. But we are the ones who
are in control of ourselves. We can change the outcome of our
lives because we have the capacity to do that.
It is our fear, jealousy, greed, etc. that is ruining
our lives. Some people who never managed to get out of
poverty blame the government or their jobs. But they're
too afraid to try out new ventures that may improve their
lives. They half-heartedly go to work on their 9 to 5 job.
Then when the day is done, they watch TV and go out aimlessly
having fun without seriously thinking of what great opportunity
the future has in store for them, if only they would try to do
something different with their lives.
Fear has caused many to remain frigid and to never go out
exploring the wonderful things this world has to offer.
Lots of people would rather stay where they are in an
unsatisfied state than to risk difficulties and obstacles
for the sake of attaining their dreams.
If their lives are not getting any better, they have no else
to blame but themselves.
Jealousy and envy has also caused some relationship problems.
Some people immediately jump to conclusions without first
analyzing the situation. They let their sudden emotions
control their behaviors without even thinking of the
consequences that may result.
If they're having problems with their relationships, they
have no else to blame but themselves.
This goes to show that we decide what will happen to us. Of
course, there are circumstances that are beyond our control,
like natural calamities. But we can still utilize to our best
advantage the things that we have control of.
For instance, you got rejected by your dream girl. Some
people would just get drunk and feel miserable, thinking that
it's the end of the world. Some will move onwards with their
lives and find the best in what remains with them. See? It's
really up to you. You decide if you want to have a good life
or not.
You failed in your exams? So what? There's another
opportunity. You can just sulk in sorrow or you can study
harder to get a high score in the future. It's up to you.
There's no use crying over spilled milk. You don't have to
get frustrated over your misfortunes. Concentrate on how
you could get better in the future.
If we encounter problems, we can either succumb to it, or we
can treat it as an opportunity to become stronger and to
become better individuals. Winners would always treat their
dilemmas as opportunities.
Oh yes. We can be our worst enemy, but we can also be our
best friend. It's all up to you!
Zaak O'Conan discovers and presents useful information
on to enhance and/or repair your life, body and relationships.
You'll find his other articles on how to improve your life
and expand your horizons at
Have you ever though about how easy it is
for you to control your thoughts?
You can make your mind bring up memories and
associations about things that you are not
even thinking anything about!
You can be deeply involved with a completely
unrelated train of thought and something as
simple as one sentence can activate your mind
and your emotions.
Your beliefs and memories are burned into your
mind from the input you are surrounded by
whether you like it or not.
Don't believe me?
Try it for yourself.
Read each of these lines and I bet you can finish
one or all of them.
===>Splish splash I was...
===>You aint nothin but a hound...
===>Goodness Gracious Great...
===>Don't you, step on my blue...
===>I fell in to a burning ring of...
So how'd you do?
Do you see how easy your mind can pull up thoughts
and memories that you are not even consciously aware
It just proves even more how critically important
the input in your life is.
If you want to be successful you need to become
the person that success seeks out instead of
being the person always chasing success.
You do that by constantly surrounding yourself
with information and energy that support that
In other words... The correct input that creates
success not stops it!
Turn of the TV, media, and everything else that
is trying to think for you and turn on your mind.
You will be amazed at how quickly things will
change for you.
When you install the correct and supportive
input into your life like BANABU, you condition
your mind for success.
Check out BANABU's 11principles
So when you think of things like relationships,
money, happiness, and success you instantly
think of happy loving fulfilling and rewarding
experiences just like when you hear the lines
of the songs above and are able to finish them.
You complete your thoughts with whatever input
you receive the most so... you better make sure
it is serving to you!
Let's make 2007-2008 the best year of your life!
Fill your daily experiences with information,
ideas, and experiences that condition you to
be the person success chases, not the person
that is always chasing success.
To your ever expanding success,
Fran Watson
personal growth,
self help,
Thursday, October 18, 2007
What would you do??

IF I HAD MY LIFE TO LIVE OVER - by Erma Bombeck (Written after she found out she was dying from cancer.)
I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren't there for the day.
I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage. I would have talked less and listened more.
I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained, or the sofa faded.
I would have eaten the popcorn in the 'good' living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace.
I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth.
I would have shared more of the responsibility carried by my husband.
I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed.
I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about grass stains.
I would have cried and laughed less while watching television and more while watching life.
I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, wouldn't show soil, or was guaranteed to last a lifetime.
Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I'd have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.
When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, "Later. Now go get washed up for dinner."
There would have been more "I love you's." More "I'm sorry's." But mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute...look at it and really see it ... live it ... and never give it back.
Stop sweating the small stuff.
Don't worry about who doesn't like you, who has more, or who's doing what. Instead, let's cherish the relationships we have with those who do love us.
Let's think about what God HAS blessed us with. And what we are doing each day to promote ourselves mentally, physically, emotionally, as well as spiritually. Life is too short to let it pass you by. We only have one shot at this and then it's gone.
Take a few minutes today to tell someone you love them, call someone and tell them you were thinking about them, take some time for yourself - do something you like to do for at least 5 minutes.
BANABU - Building a New and Better Universe for each and every one of us!
Fran Watson
personal growth,
self help,
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Review of BANABU Personal Growth Tool for Business Owners

by Jeff Baas
Is it more than just a feel-good bunch of platitudes?
Yes, I know it's a weird name. BANABU (Building a New and Better Universe) may not be geared specifically toward business owners. It helps you, though, to fix a crucial, but often ignored problem that is at the core of every failed business.
Unloading the baggage that holds your business back.
When you first started your business, you likely felt somewhat unprepared. You were venturing into unknown territory. You had a lot to learn. The sad fact is that most business owners never progress beyond the beginning stage of starting a business.
Maybe that's where you're stuck right now. Maybe you're spending all your time searching for free information online about how to start a business. Maybe you're spending all your money buying every new info product on building a business.
The sad fact is that just about every business that falls short of the success its owner desires does so because we search for "the secret" to success in something we don't have. In reality, our best chance for success comes from properly using the resources we already have, but don't recognize.
The underlying problem with our business
We all bring certain baggage with us when we start a business online. It can range from simple procrastination to a mindset that actually tries to sabotage us whenever we get close to succeeding.
Yes, I know. That doesn't apply to you. You have everything well in hand. Yet let's face it. Here you are, looking for answers to why your business isn't living up to what you expected of it.
How BANABU attacks that problem
BABABU is designed to strip away those underlying problems that hold you back from whatever you want to accomplish. It uncovers the things you may unknowingly do to sabotage yourself. It reveals problems that are so much a part of the ways you've always dealt with life that you might not even see them. And it unveils resources you've had along and have never fully used.
A real-world approach
When I first decided to review BANABU, I approached it skeptically. I'd seen some of the pathetic self-help manuals out there. You know the kind I mean, the "Just visualize your perfect world and it is bound to come true" pieces of drivel told by some starry-eyed theorist. BANABU, though, takes a real-world approach to dealing with the baggage that so often holds us back.
OK, there were a couple of things that sounded a little new-agey at times, but the thing that impressed me was how down-to-earth it was. The author, Mike Kemski, doesn't speak from what he thinks "should" work; he speaks from real-world experience.
He describes himself as having gone from being a drug-addicted high school dropout on the verge of suicide to being a successful husband, father, and business owner today.
He has earned his right to speak about overcoming baggage.
He chastises the unrealistic approaches of the theorists. And he demands that any approach to growth must be grounded in reality, not in wishful thinking.
His approach:
He breaks the course down into 11 principles that lead to greater effectivess and satisfaction in life. And, using down-to-earth language and exercises, he leads you to see how to:
Control the level of energy you operate at.
Use the things you don't want to help you obtain the things you do
Identify and change the attitudes that hold you back
And there's plenty more.
My experience with BANABU
But perhaps the best thing I can say about it is the effect it had on me. When I started reading it, I was in a serious funk about a whole pack of things I had overcommitted myself to.
I felt overwhelmed, resentful, cynical, and extremely negative. Those attitudes were hampering my work and adding tension to my family life as well.
I read the first two chapters of BANABU and everything in it hit home with me. I saw what I was doing to myself, put down the book, and started using the exercises it described to get myself back on a positive track.
It worked immediately. I went back to work in a much more positive frame of mind. (And, boy, was my wife relieved!)
I come back to it again and again to keep myself on track. Nothing gets me out of a rut and back to working productively and successfully as well as BANABU does.
BANABU makes sense. And it works. And if you respond well to a down-to-earth approach, I'm sure it will hit home with you, too. It's a great way to get a fresh perspective on yourself and unload the baggage that holds you and your business back.
I rate it a 10 out of 10
Find out more about overcoming the baggage that holds your business back:
Why don't you check it out now?
Fran Watson
personal growth,
self help,
Monday, October 15, 2007
The Power of Today

Here is post from another person who I feel fits the BANABU model - Tom Beal
After a severe car accident in 1998 that left me to re-learn how to walk and talk again, plus a NDE (near death experience) similar to the ones you see and hear about on TV I have been 100% confident in this simple fact:
“We will not be here one second less or one second longer than we are supposed to be here.”
However, I still feel as if I take so many things for granted in my daily activities and sometimes forget some of what I feel to be the most important guiding factors and elements in my life. And those are what I really and truly want to be, do and have in this life.
How about you? Do you ever take anything for granted on occassion then one day snap out of it and wonder how the heck you took it for granted for so long. Are you always crystal clear on what you want to be, do and have…or would you like some better clarity on occassion?
Or is it just me?
Let’s face some simple truths today can we?
TRUTH: There will come a time unbeknownst to us that we will all face our last day and in fact our last breath.
TRUTH: None of us know when that last day or last breath will occur.
TRUTH: The RIGHT NOW is the only thing you and I can truly have any control or impact over and a series of these RIGHT NOW choices, actions, and decisions will determine our future.
Two quotes come to mind that I feel may assist in hammering these points home. One is from the famous TV actor Michael Landon from Little House on the Prairie:
“Somebody ought to tell us, right at the start of our lives, that we are dying. Then we might live life to the limit every minute of every day. Do it, I say, whatever you want to do, do it now.”
And the other is from the insurance billionaire who supported Napoleon Hill in the early 1900’s, W. Clement Stone. Mr. Stone used to repeat this saying at least 50 times per day:
“Do it NOW! Do it NOW! Do it NOW!”
Can you see the sense of urgency these two famous people had? Do you feel that other successful people have a similar sense of urgency?
Sidenote: Both Michael Landon and W. Clement Stone are no longer with us. Michael passed away from cancer in 1991 at the tender age of 54 and Mr. Stone lived to be over 100 years old and passed away in 2002.
Do you know clearly what you want to be, do, and have in your life? You can become crystal clear in what you are passionate about with the help of The Passion Test.
And if you’re asking yourself why am I so passionate in sharing this message with you today here is the answer.
Yesterday I sat next to my 52 year old mother’s bed as she took her last breath. It was one of the saddest moments of my life yet after the tears stopped and we were all hugging one another we all were happy that her pain was gone and that she is now in a better place.
(Tomorrow is the calling hours and Monday is her funeral/burial. Please pray for me and my family in this time of grief.)
My mom had a passion and she positively impacted thousands of people’s lives by following it and she has inspired me to rekindle my passions for being, doing and having the things in my life that I had taken for granted lately.
And I want the same to happen for you. To get a better understanding of your passions go take The Passion Test and see if you can enhance your destiny and impact in this lifetime.
Until next time…
Make Today Great & God Bless!
Tom Beal
BANABU Building A New And Better Universe
personal growth,
self help,
Tom Beal
Friday, October 12, 2007
Spirt and Surprise
“The ego seeks to use other people to fulfill our needs as we define them.
When we try to use a relationship to serve our own purposes, we falter
because we are reinforcing our illusion of need.” – Marianne Williamson

“It’s 9 am already; the day has begun. I wonder what surprises this
new day will bring,” said my 102 year old grandmother over breakfast
during my last visit. What is so remarkable to me about her
question is that she can barely stand on her own, walks only with a
walker, and spends most of her time confined to either her chair or
bed. It is hard to imagine myself in her shoes wondering what
'surprises’ the new day might bring. In her place, I think I would
fixate on the numbing sameness of each day.
What about you? Would you look forward to the surprises each day might bring?
After several moments of silence, she added, “I expect today will be
what we make of it.” Barely able to walk and barely able to hear,
she brings the same thing to each day; she brings joy, empathy and
an impish sense of fun. Each day that she wakes up with her spirit
intact, she sets out to enjoy another day living it. What a gift.
Those of us who are many times more able-bodied might sometimes
forget to focus on celebrating another day, or on bringing our
living soul to work. Lost in daily routine it can be easy to forget
to experience that simple joy of being alive. When we do, I believe
we are more open to the surprises any day can bring.
This week, what can you do to be open to surprises in your life?
EPILOGUE: The next day we found out that just 3 hours after my
grandmother asked, “What surprises might this day bring?” she became
a great-great-grandmother two more times over as a great-grandson
became the father of twins.
complimentary weekly newsletter. Forward it to a friend. To learn
how you can, with permission and thanks, reprint in your own
publication for free, simply email
Paul Huschilt is an award-winning speaker who specializes in humour
and workplace wellness. Visit to see if he
might be the perfect intervention at your next meeting.
Remember to
Building A New And Better Universe
“Ever Been Hit With A Solid Left Hook?”
Have you ever been coasting along doing great when all of the sudden out of the blue life decides to Jack you with a strong left hook right to the jaw? Of course you have, we’ve all had that experience. The one thing that can make all the difference in the world when determining what will happen next is if you are on a journey of self discovery and personal development or not.
The difference can clearly be seen when you look at 2 people that take a shot to the chin from life and their reactions to that shot. If you have a strong and serving mindset, one of a champion, a winner, and a leader that comes from being a student of constant self improvement, you will turn that knock out punch into a useful experience in your life.
If not… well we all know the answer to that one.
What do you do when life gives you a sneaky left hook to the jaw and you get…
your lights knocked out?
Do you leave the “ring” with your head hung low because you “lost”? I know I’ve done that many times in my life. When you take a nice shot to the chin and get your bell rung, it can take a minute or 2 to re-group and re-gain your composure.
You know what I mean…
When you get injured and life slows down to a crawl, when you have an unexpected death in the family, when your investments don’t pan out and you take a financial hit, when you just get so frustrated that you want to quit!
That’s life’s left hook to the jaw and it happens to all of us, even the people that appear to have a “perfect” life.
But what you need to get out of this post is this…
There’s Only One Difference
There is only one difference between the person that seems to have that perfect life and the person who seems to get beat every time they try…
The person that has the success and great life gets back up, shakes it off, and realizes that they got knocked down but the fights not over.
The people that fail are the people who get knocked down and then think they lost for getting knocked down.
This applies to ever area of life.
When you get turned down for a date, when you don’t make money on a project, when you get passed by on that promotion at work, and when you get told you have to stop eating Krispy Kreams and start eating some carrots or you’re going to die!
It makes no difference what it might be for you, the truth is you’ll get hit with a sneaky left hook to the jaw at some point in life if you’re working on creating a better life.
Just remember this…
The people that quit when they get knocked down from life’s blows call it failure.
The people that get up and keep on moving forward towards their goals and desires call it experience.
The question is…
Are you going to have a life full of failure or a life full of experience?
Mike Kemski & Fran Watson
When we try to use a relationship to serve our own purposes, we falter
because we are reinforcing our illusion of need.” – Marianne Williamson

“It’s 9 am already; the day has begun. I wonder what surprises this
new day will bring,” said my 102 year old grandmother over breakfast
during my last visit. What is so remarkable to me about her
question is that she can barely stand on her own, walks only with a
walker, and spends most of her time confined to either her chair or
bed. It is hard to imagine myself in her shoes wondering what
'surprises’ the new day might bring. In her place, I think I would
fixate on the numbing sameness of each day.
What about you? Would you look forward to the surprises each day might bring?
After several moments of silence, she added, “I expect today will be
what we make of it.” Barely able to walk and barely able to hear,
she brings the same thing to each day; she brings joy, empathy and
an impish sense of fun. Each day that she wakes up with her spirit
intact, she sets out to enjoy another day living it. What a gift.
Those of us who are many times more able-bodied might sometimes
forget to focus on celebrating another day, or on bringing our
living soul to work. Lost in daily routine it can be easy to forget
to experience that simple joy of being alive. When we do, I believe
we are more open to the surprises any day can bring.
This week, what can you do to be open to surprises in your life?
EPILOGUE: The next day we found out that just 3 hours after my
grandmother asked, “What surprises might this day bring?” she became
a great-great-grandmother two more times over as a great-grandson
became the father of twins.
complimentary weekly newsletter. Forward it to a friend. To learn
how you can, with permission and thanks, reprint in your own
publication for free, simply email
Paul Huschilt is an award-winning speaker who specializes in humour
and workplace wellness. Visit to see if he
might be the perfect intervention at your next meeting.
Remember to
Building A New And Better Universe
“Ever Been Hit With A Solid Left Hook?”
Have you ever been coasting along doing great when all of the sudden out of the blue life decides to Jack you with a strong left hook right to the jaw? Of course you have, we’ve all had that experience. The one thing that can make all the difference in the world when determining what will happen next is if you are on a journey of self discovery and personal development or not.
The difference can clearly be seen when you look at 2 people that take a shot to the chin from life and their reactions to that shot. If you have a strong and serving mindset, one of a champion, a winner, and a leader that comes from being a student of constant self improvement, you will turn that knock out punch into a useful experience in your life.
If not… well we all know the answer to that one.
What do you do when life gives you a sneaky left hook to the jaw and you get…
your lights knocked out?
Do you leave the “ring” with your head hung low because you “lost”? I know I’ve done that many times in my life. When you take a nice shot to the chin and get your bell rung, it can take a minute or 2 to re-group and re-gain your composure.
You know what I mean…
When you get injured and life slows down to a crawl, when you have an unexpected death in the family, when your investments don’t pan out and you take a financial hit, when you just get so frustrated that you want to quit!
That’s life’s left hook to the jaw and it happens to all of us, even the people that appear to have a “perfect” life.
But what you need to get out of this post is this…
There’s Only One Difference
There is only one difference between the person that seems to have that perfect life and the person who seems to get beat every time they try…
The person that has the success and great life gets back up, shakes it off, and realizes that they got knocked down but the fights not over.
The people that fail are the people who get knocked down and then think they lost for getting knocked down.
This applies to ever area of life.
When you get turned down for a date, when you don’t make money on a project, when you get passed by on that promotion at work, and when you get told you have to stop eating Krispy Kreams and start eating some carrots or you’re going to die!
It makes no difference what it might be for you, the truth is you’ll get hit with a sneaky left hook to the jaw at some point in life if you’re working on creating a better life.
Just remember this…
The people that quit when they get knocked down from life’s blows call it failure.
The people that get up and keep on moving forward towards their goals and desires call it experience.
The question is…
Are you going to have a life full of failure or a life full of experience?
Mike Kemski & Fran Watson
personal growth,
self help,
Monday, October 8, 2007
Questions to ponder and answer!
Thoughtful questions posed by Mike Kemski.
Take some time and read through this post
carefully. Let the questions and answers
sink in.
What will it be for you that day?
What will the thought be that you
have at the end of this incredible
journey we call life?
What will you wish you did?
What will you wish you didn’t do?
Who will you think of?
Who will you miss?
What will you desperately wished you
would have expressed to “that” person?
Who will think of and smile?
Who will think of and cry?
What experience will you value most?
What memory will stand out more than
any others?
What will define you?
How will you define yourself?
What will you have added to the world?
What will you take with you when you
go because you were too afraid to give
it to the world?
Answer whatever questions stand out…
Take the questions that resonate with
you and make today that day that you
experience the answers to those questions.
Life passes us all by while we get
consumed in the illusion of what matters.
All of us start to believe our own
bullshit about ourselves sometimes.
And we get so caught up trying to create
more and more and more that we forget
how much we actually already have all
around us right NOW!
That’s normal and we’re built to grow
but too many of us miss the boat when
you look at the bigger picture.
I understand that it’s easy to say when
nothing is missing in your life but let
me let you in on a little secret…
Come in close…
EVERYONE is missing something!
The only reason to get more of anything
is so you have more to leave behind…
I want you to do something for me.
Go through this slowly and think about
each sentence…
I want you to think of someone you love.
Just one person.
What does that person add to your life?
What does that person add to YOU?
What would you NOT have if that person
wasn’t here…
How would you be different without them?
Now picture them leaving your life…
How do you feel when you see them
leaving your life?
Kinda makes you appreciate the people
in your life a little more…
Tell them you love them and let em know
how much you appreciate having them in
your life.
And now realize this one thing…
Your wife, husband, friends, children,
pets, clerk at the local store you shop
at, co-workers, boyfriend, girlfriend,
boss, and any one else in your life…
You add that same value to their lives
and you enhance their life.
They are more because of YOU and…
They all need you NOW! Not at the end
of the journey.
Mike Kemski & Fran Watson
Take some time and read through this post
carefully. Let the questions and answers
sink in.
What will it be for you that day?
What will the thought be that you
have at the end of this incredible
journey we call life?
What will you wish you did?
What will you wish you didn’t do?
Who will you think of?
Who will you miss?
What will you desperately wished you
would have expressed to “that” person?
Who will think of and smile?
Who will think of and cry?
What experience will you value most?
What memory will stand out more than
any others?
What will define you?
How will you define yourself?
What will you have added to the world?
What will you take with you when you
go because you were too afraid to give
it to the world?
Answer whatever questions stand out…
Take the questions that resonate with
you and make today that day that you
experience the answers to those questions.
Life passes us all by while we get
consumed in the illusion of what matters.
All of us start to believe our own
bullshit about ourselves sometimes.
And we get so caught up trying to create
more and more and more that we forget
how much we actually already have all
around us right NOW!
That’s normal and we’re built to grow
but too many of us miss the boat when
you look at the bigger picture.
I understand that it’s easy to say when
nothing is missing in your life but let
me let you in on a little secret…
Come in close…
EVERYONE is missing something!
The only reason to get more of anything
is so you have more to leave behind…
I want you to do something for me.
Go through this slowly and think about
each sentence…
I want you to think of someone you love.
Just one person.
What does that person add to your life?
What does that person add to YOU?
What would you NOT have if that person
wasn’t here…
How would you be different without them?
Now picture them leaving your life…
How do you feel when you see them
leaving your life?
Kinda makes you appreciate the people
in your life a little more…
Tell them you love them and let em know
how much you appreciate having them in
your life.
And now realize this one thing…
Your wife, husband, friends, children,
pets, clerk at the local store you shop
at, co-workers, boyfriend, girlfriend,
boss, and any one else in your life…
You add that same value to their lives
and you enhance their life.
They are more because of YOU and…
They all need you NOW! Not at the end
of the journey.
Mike Kemski & Fran Watson
Mike Kemski,
personal growth,
self help,
What are you looking for?
How can, on one end of the spectrum, things
be better then ever and on the other end,
things are worse than ever before?
The answer is because they both exist
Both energies are always there and always
available to you.
They have to be in order for you do create
any kind of contrast in your life that you
can push against to create change and growth.
So I’ve come to this conclusion…
(Actually I’ve known this for a very
long time)
You can find evidence to support what
ever belief you decide serves you in
You can find every reason why you should
jump off a bridge and in the very next
breath find every reason why you should
place an astronomical value on yourself.
What ever you look for you’ll eventually
find because youre creating those beliefs
in your own mind and no matter how hard
you try, you can NEVER hide from yourself…
So the question of the week is this…
Q: What do you want to find?
A: ___________________________________
Answer that and start lookin for it.
Mike Kemski / Fran Watson
be better then ever and on the other end,
things are worse than ever before?
The answer is because they both exist
Both energies are always there and always
available to you.
They have to be in order for you do create
any kind of contrast in your life that you
can push against to create change and growth.
So I’ve come to this conclusion…
(Actually I’ve known this for a very
long time)
You can find evidence to support what
ever belief you decide serves you in
You can find every reason why you should
jump off a bridge and in the very next
breath find every reason why you should
place an astronomical value on yourself.
What ever you look for you’ll eventually
find because youre creating those beliefs
in your own mind and no matter how hard
you try, you can NEVER hide from yourself…
So the question of the week is this…
Q: What do you want to find?
A: ___________________________________
Answer that and start lookin for it.
Mike Kemski / Fran Watson
personal growth,
self help,
Friday, October 5, 2007
Change Your Life
There are fundamental laws in the universe
that govern the workings of all things.
You can learn how to harness the immense power
of these laws to supercharge your productivity,
creativity, and life energy; deepen relationships
with your spouse, friends, and family;
banish all forms of limitation, negativity, fear,
and stress; and realize a permanent success far
beyond your imagination.
Most people are content with their life "as is." And those content with "life as usual" can never realize their full potential for this one reason: they have ceased to nourish the secret part of themselves that has the power to develop their true potential.
If you are one of the rare few who are NOT content with "life as usual," and you long to better yourself, your loved ones, and the world at large, then this message was meant just for you.
We must learn to wish for whatever life brings us, for there is no other way to earn the kind of unshakable gratitude that lets us live with grace.
- Guy Finley
BANABU principles
BANABU. (Ban * A * Boo).
It stands for "Building A New And Better Universe" and its 11 simple, easy to understand and use, yet very profound principles. And it is starting a world-wide phenomenon of people who are highly successful in every area of their life.
Before I show you what these 11 principles are and how to put them into use for yourself starting today, you are probably wondering "who is Mike Kemski and why should I pay attention to him?"
What The 11 Principles Did For Me...
I am not going to overwhelm you with all the dramatic details of where I came from because this is a story of possibilities - what is possible in you, me, everyone of us to have the life you want and dream of having.
However, to understand my passion for these 11 Principles let me give you a brief look at the amazing transformation they provided me.
Became addicted to drugs and alcohol at a very young age but after several years went to rehab. Was the only person out of over 100 people to stay sober and became a drug and alcohol counselor for troubled youth and went to junior high schools talking about success and substance abuse.
Overcame many negative attitudes about myself, women and love allowing me to marry an incredible woman, we became best friends and have been deeply in love and happily married (what all our friends call a "dream marriage") for 9 years and created a wonderful family with 2 awesome kids.
This high school dropout went to college, earned a 4.0 GPA, and was honored in the National Deans List. An honor that only ½ of 1 percent of ALL college students ever receive.
Excelled at my chosen career and rose to the top in less than 2 years (when I was told it would take at least 5 years, if it was even possible because nobody had done it before).
Lost 50 pounds in 3 months (and loved every second doing it). And have been the healthiest I've ever been in my life.
Became financially successful despite growing up in complete poverty.
Started teaching workshops based on the 11 Principles and living my mission in life every single day.
Created BANABU and set forth the momentum of building a world-wide community of like minded people who support and pass on their experience, success, and stories.
These 11 Principles allowed me to go from less than nothing in life to creating unbelievable relationships with friends, business associates, my wife, and my kids.
Plus having outstanding physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental health, and a successful business living my mission and purpose creating a world-wide movement of success and greatness.
It created an Ultimate Life!
Do they work for other people?
Over the past several years, one profound fact has became very clear. Every person who had any success at all in life used one or more of these 11 Principles. They actually use all of them at different times.
And because of the results I have seen in my and others lives, my mission is creating a world-wide community of people using the 11 Principles and passing their knowledge and experience of them to each other.
The first step was a workshop teaching people about these 11 Principles and how to apply them to every area in your life.
The results each of the attendees walked away with were nothing short of amazing. These 11 Principles were making an immediate, positive difference for people.
However only a small number of people were benefiting from those workshops. It was time to take this message to the world and the 11 Principles Multimedia Course was created. To give you access to this information from the comfort of your home.
Hear what some of the people who have taken the course have to say!
Check back soon for information on how you too can access this course.
It stands for "Building A New And Better Universe" and its 11 simple, easy to understand and use, yet very profound principles. And it is starting a world-wide phenomenon of people who are highly successful in every area of their life.
Before I show you what these 11 principles are and how to put them into use for yourself starting today, you are probably wondering "who is Mike Kemski and why should I pay attention to him?"
What The 11 Principles Did For Me...
I am not going to overwhelm you with all the dramatic details of where I came from because this is a story of possibilities - what is possible in you, me, everyone of us to have the life you want and dream of having.
However, to understand my passion for these 11 Principles let me give you a brief look at the amazing transformation they provided me.
Became addicted to drugs and alcohol at a very young age but after several years went to rehab. Was the only person out of over 100 people to stay sober and became a drug and alcohol counselor for troubled youth and went to junior high schools talking about success and substance abuse.
Overcame many negative attitudes about myself, women and love allowing me to marry an incredible woman, we became best friends and have been deeply in love and happily married (what all our friends call a "dream marriage") for 9 years and created a wonderful family with 2 awesome kids.
This high school dropout went to college, earned a 4.0 GPA, and was honored in the National Deans List. An honor that only ½ of 1 percent of ALL college students ever receive.
Excelled at my chosen career and rose to the top in less than 2 years (when I was told it would take at least 5 years, if it was even possible because nobody had done it before).
Lost 50 pounds in 3 months (and loved every second doing it). And have been the healthiest I've ever been in my life.
Became financially successful despite growing up in complete poverty.
Started teaching workshops based on the 11 Principles and living my mission in life every single day.
Created BANABU and set forth the momentum of building a world-wide community of like minded people who support and pass on their experience, success, and stories.
These 11 Principles allowed me to go from less than nothing in life to creating unbelievable relationships with friends, business associates, my wife, and my kids.
Plus having outstanding physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental health, and a successful business living my mission and purpose creating a world-wide movement of success and greatness.
It created an Ultimate Life!
Do they work for other people?
Over the past several years, one profound fact has became very clear. Every person who had any success at all in life used one or more of these 11 Principles. They actually use all of them at different times.
And because of the results I have seen in my and others lives, my mission is creating a world-wide community of people using the 11 Principles and passing their knowledge and experience of them to each other.
The first step was a workshop teaching people about these 11 Principles and how to apply them to every area in your life.
The results each of the attendees walked away with were nothing short of amazing. These 11 Principles were making an immediate, positive difference for people.
However only a small number of people were benefiting from those workshops. It was time to take this message to the world and the 11 Principles Multimedia Course was created. To give you access to this information from the comfort of your home.
Hear what some of the people who have taken the course have to say!
"Should Be Mandatory Reading In The Class Of Life..."
"If you want to continue to live a life of scarcity and shyness DO NOT READ THIS COURSE! Mike Kemski is one of the few people that truly "gets it" and lives what he teaches. This book should be mandatory reading in the class of life."
~Travis Seibold
President/CEO Seibold Media Group
"Helped Me Push Past My Comfort Zones ..."
"By using these 11 Principles I have reached higher levels of success in my life. This course is real, open, and honest. Mike makes himself vulnerable by sharing his most sensitive real life experiences. It gave me the courage to do things I never believed I could do before. It helped me push past my comfort zones and my life will NEVER be the same!"
~Becky Edwards
"What Mike Taught Got Me To Start My Own Business..."
"The instructions and lessons that Mike taught me got me motivated to start my own business. Mike lives what he teaches his passion to help people is incredible."
~Tony Church
"Helped Me Improve Every Relationship In My Life..."
"The BANABU course helped me improve every relationship in my life, co-workers, children friends, family and even my so called "enemies". Simple and easy to apply to every aspect of my life. Mike is a living example of the benefits of the principles he teaches."
~Jeannie Wall
Check back soon for information on how you too can access this course.
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