Tuesday, December 9, 2008

What Do You Want To Attract?

In understanding the Law of Attraction, we come to realize that we attract into our lives whatever we give our Attention, Energy and Focus to.

Whether wanted or unwanted.

That with synchronicity, we attract from the outside what we resonate with, on the inside, bringing into our life what we momentarily strongly focus upon.
In other words, that by having an optimistic attitude and focusing on success, one attracts these, while having a cynical depressed attitude attracts negative experiences.

During my introduction to the Law of Attraction, I needed to make a shift to the positive; I’d surely had enough negative experience to last a lifetime. Before to long my life carried on staying the same, bills, debt, more bills, more debt, you get the picture. What was happening?

Understanding the Law of Attraction principles was not a problem, I focused on the positive, and all I was getting was the same old deal.
So watching The Secret DVD for the umpteenth, I started to get the message, I needed faith, I needed to believe and be grateful and this elusive Law of Attraction would kick in.

Great, I had the answer, say thank you to everyone and all would be OK!
The postman got a thank you for not bringing a bill, the trolley boy at the supermarket got one for leaving a trolley out for me, so did the checkout girl because there was no queue.

I thanked the ATM machine, the bank manager, the kid on the bike, my computer, the cooker, heck I must be the most grateful person on the planet, this Law of Attraction ain’t going turn me down.

After a few days of this everything started to go wrong, you guessed it, the postman brought a bill, the trolley boy left no trolley, the checkout girl left a queue, even the ATM stopped giving me money.

What’s going wrong?

Back on went the film The Secret,

What was I missing?

Then those words rang out at me again, in understanding the Law of Attraction process you needed Faith and Belief.

But how could I Believe? This stuff hadn’t worked up to now, so how could I believe? Tell me how it works and then I’ll Believe,

Don’t worry about How The Law of Attraction works, the film The Secret tells us. “You don’t need to know, you don’t know how electricity works, but you still use it”

But that’s not fair! With electricity, I don’t need faith, I plug the kettle in and get a steaming cup of coffee, whether I believe it or not.

So the question is, if I focus on the fact that I have little money, bad health, or a poor relationship, how and why does the Law of Attraction respond by giving me more of what I’m focusing on?

And if I shift my focus to the positive how do my desires come true?

And this is the great secret of the secret, in understanding The Law of Attraction and knowing how it works, you’ll start to trust it.

Trust it and you’ll start to believe it. Believe it, and it will start to respond and only then can you start to refine, mold, and create your desired reality.

Find out more:

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Special Offer

2 1/2 hour DVD set containing highlights from the Jim Rohn Weekend Event - the Jim Rohn Weekend Event DVD

This is a perfect way to share Jim Rohn, Denis Waitley, Brian Tracy and all
the speakers, as well as Personal Development in general with all those in
your sphere of influence. It is the length of a regular movie and includes
Highlights from the entire 3 Day event including special appearances from
"Jack Nicholson", "the Godfather", "Arnold Schwarzenegger" and "Jim Rohn" -
all courtesy of our comedic guest speaker, Garet Chester. Plus highlights
from the Teenager Session, Goal Setting Session, all the VIP lunches and
Breakfast, all the speakers and the Speakers Roundtable. Over 100 individual
highlights in all!

For Details and To Order -

Enjoy this - take your time - grab that coffee or tea and sip slowly while listening to this fantastic DVD.


Monday, October 20, 2008

Comfort Zones

As I was researching this topic for my Toastmasters meeting, I came across a great list which I have copied below on how to step outside of our comfort zone. It came from "Evolving Times"

A comfort zone denotes the limited set of behaviors and environments that a person can engage in without becoming anxious.

The Comfort Zone is our living, work, and social environments that we have grown accustom too. It determines the type of friends we make or people we associate with. It determines a life style we accept or reject.

Most of us love the familiar. Whether we realize it or not, we put a lot of work into ensuring that certain things in our lives remain constant. This personal “comfort zone” is the invisible, but very real area that defines the boundaries of what we know and understand. By staying within this comfort zone we reassure ourselves that we are safe. And as long as we are safely held within the walls of what we know we feel secure and confident.

As we move closer to the edges of that zone we begin to feel a bit shaky and unsure of ourselves. But those edges are where we grow. And by stretching those boundaries we increase our ability to receive.

T. Harv Eker, the author of The Secrets of The Millionaire Mind has said that our comfort zone equals our money zone. In order to have more money in our lives we must expand our comfort zone.

I would add that our comfort zone equals our joy zone, our love zone, our fulfillment zone, our spiritual connection zone, you name it.

So if you want more of anything in your life, the place to start is with your comfort zone. By expanding your comfort zone you will get more of what you want. It’s that simple.

Now it sounds easy enough, but most of us have built up some pretty sturdy walls around our comfort zone. Pushing them out or breaking them down requires conscious, concerted effort. And I have found that it’s easier to expand the comfort zone in small, steady, steps than in great big leaps. But in order to do that, you need to intentionally take expansive action on a daily basis.

So to get you started, I’ve created a list of 50 actions that might expand your comfort zone.

Keep in mind that the parameters of everyone’s comfort zone are different. So if you already love to Scuba dive, number 30 on this list isn’t going to expand your comfort zone very much! But there are most likely other items on this list that will work for you.

Also realize that many of these can, and may need to be, turned around to work for you. For example, number 6 is “Be the first to say, “I love you.” But if you’re the one that always says I love you first, you’ll need to turn it around to “Let the other person say ‘I love you’ first.” For some of you that’s going to be quite uncomfortable, especially when the other person doesn’t say “I love you!”

This is not meant to be an all-inclusive list. It can’t be. Instead, it’s a catalyst and a reminder for you to take small steps each and every day that expand your comfort zone.

Here’s the list:

1. Try some new food.
2. Go on a silent retreat.
3. Ask for a raise.
4. Smile at strangers.
5. Say hello to people in the grocery store.
6. Be the first to say “I love you.”
7. Perform at an open mike night.
8. Eat at a local restaurant by yourself.
9. Take a day off from work to volunteer at your child’s school.
10. Go back to school.
11. Start a new business.
12. Moonlight as a waitperson.
13. Unplug the TV for a week.
14. Write in a journal every day.
15. Learn to surf.
16. Go to a different church/temple/mosque each week.
17. Get your news from different sources.
18. Live in another country.
19. Do a house-swap for a month.
20. Use public transportation.
21. Wear an outrageous outfit.
22. Meditate for 15-minutes a day.
23. Put your cell phone in a drawer for a full week.
24. Make a fool of yourself – on purpose.
25. Call someone you admire in your community and ask them out for lunch.
26. Ask someone you admire to be your mentor.
27. Switch sides (of the bed) with your partner.
28. Confront a phobia.
29. Jump out of a plane (with a parachute please!).
30. Learn to scuba dive.
31. Say I love you to your parents/children/siblings/friends.
32. Admit you were wrong.
33. Go to a movie by yourself.
34. Take responsibility for something you didn’t do.
35. Give away all one-month’s income.
36. Give a public talk on a topic you’re passionate about.
37. Join a networking group.
38. Disconnect the Internet for a week.
39. Ask for help.
40. Get a part time job as a checker at your local grocery store.
41. Enter an art show.
42. Forgive someone.
43. Join Toastmasters.
44. Start a blog.
45. Ask for a partial or complete telecommute arrangement at work.
46. Take lessons in something you’ve always wanted to try (art, music, woodworking, dancing, etc.).
47. Learn a foreign language.
48. Read a book in a genre you don’t usually read.
49. Delegate more of your work.
50. Get up an hour earlier than usual.
51. Try a therapy or modality that seems a bit “out there.”

Which of these have the most potential for expanding your comfort zone? Which ones made you gulp or start to sweat a bit?

Which actions did I leave off this list that, for you, are particularly effective at expanding your comfort zone?

Leave a comment below and share some of yours.

Take a chance, step outside of your comfort zone every now and then and see what happens. If public speaking is outside your zone, Check out #43 on the list - attend a Toastmasters meeting just to see what it is all about. You won't be required to give a speech, you can just listen.


Friday, October 17, 2008

The Secret Masters

I'm sure by now you're aware that hundreds... maybe even thousands of "teachers" around the globe are touting The Secret as the next best thing to getting into Heaven.

But none of these hard-core Secret fans seem to know that some of the most vitally important... crucial knowledge... has been kept from them... actually stripped from the movie!

This information has unlocked the doors to manifesting riches, cars, houses, food and financial freedom for those few individuals who know the real secret... want to know what it is?... I'll give you a hint:


You'll only find out from the web site above.

Why?... Because some of the exact same teachers of The Secret (from the movie) are together once again, this time in a project that exposes the lies, deceit and deception about metaphysics, spirituality and manifestation that seem to rule the world of the mainstream audience.

No wonder there are so many skeptics of The Secret... they clearly see the holes that were never filled in the movie's lush "new age" philosophy... until now!

Click Here and See This Now:


PS. I'll warn you... this isn't for everyone. Some folks will be offended, others may cry... but all will know the REAL Secret that you were never supposed to hear!


Fast Action Bonus #1

Get your hands on
Masters of the Secret. This is a
$197 value
and worth the price of this package alone.

You can wait to get your hands on this bonus

Monday, October 13, 2008



How was your latest car wash experience?

Did you take your car to a do-it-yourself car wash where you could ensure that every spot that needed to be cleaned was clean?

Did you approach the car wash cautiously, checking your windows 2 and 3 times to ensure that they were firmly secure so that no water could come inside? Then carefully ease your car up to the marked line and then wait - feeling powers beyond your control begin to move your car forward and then feel trapped inside when the thunderous rush of water, soap and brushes hit your car from all directions?

Or did you cheerfully approach the car wash, deposit your coins and gently guide your car into the tracks calmly and serenely.

Did you wonder if you were going to get stuck in the middle and be unable to get out? Did you wonder if the machinery would break down? Did you wonder if your windows Or did you sit back comfortably in your warm cocoon, knowing that you were in good hands and that the machinery was there simply to wash away the dirt and the grime to leave your car clean and ready to go again?

I was at my mom's a couple of weeks ago. Mom likes her car clean, but doesn't feel comfortable doing it on her own - well, she is over 80, so I guess that's why. As I was taking her car through the car wash, I thought about the various car wash experiences, and realized how this experience applies to our daily lives.

Some people see their lives as out of their control. They feel buffeted about by the trials and tribulations of life. They approach it with fear and trepidation, wondering what will hit them next. They are constantly looking around, waiting for the next blow.

Others see that they have set things in motion, that they are on the right track as they pass through life, and that the forces that buffet them are simply there to clean away the debris, leaving them refreshed and ready to carry on with a clean slate.

For those that like the do-it-yourself car wash, and I confess, I am one, our lives are probably much more controlled. We are not content to be on a pre-set track. We may be highly competitive. We may have to be number one. We may have to, as Frank Sinatra said "do it my way." Some of us may not be content to work for someone else, we have to be entrepreneurs so that we can guide our life in the way that we want it to be go. And we ensure that all the specks are removed, that there is nothing hindering us, that there is nothing in our way. It's all in how we perceive our life.

The same situation is often viewed very differently by people in each of these groups. That's why even "eye witness" accounts vary so much. Everyone has heard the question - is the glass half full or is it half empty? Do we look at what's missing - what we don't have, or do we consider the benefits and blessings we do have? Now my oldest son likes to say - "It depends on whether you are filling it up, or drinking it". However, most of us would have a set response. For those who have the scary car wash experience, they may see the glass and their life as half empty and out of their control. For people who see the glass as half full, they probably have a good car wash experience. They are content, calm, ready to travel on with life.

The way we look at things changes how we feel about what goes on in our lives, and how we deal with things. When it comes to employment, some people have a perception that a person without a grade 12 education is not worth hiring, yet there are a number of very successful businessmen, some even millionaires, who have less than a grade 8 education, but more smarts than a university graduate.

In the job search - if you think you won't get a job, your body image changes and the employer's perception of you and your abilities may be affected by this. Try this: Let your shoulders hunch forward, hang your head a little and say "I feel great". It's almost impossible to feel great when your posture says I feel lousy. Next, take a deep breath, put your shoulders back, your head up, a smile on your face and say, "I feel great". This time when you say it, you'll mean it. When you change the image, you also change the perception - both for yourself and the employer.

Our perceptions of events are coloured by the way we think, by the way we perceive life. I know a woman who has a beautiful home, an expensive car, fairly expensive clothes and she owns a company. People perceive her as being very rich. What they don't know is that her house is heavily mortgaged and that she has extensive credit card debt, and the clothes that she is wearing are probably 15-20 years old, purchased at a time when she had a little more money. But it is difficult to change people's perceptions. Someone else might be seen as incredibly poor, living in a tiny shack of a house, not driving the latest car, but that person may be very, very content with what they have. So, while others perceive them as being poor, they may see themselves as very, very rich.

Think about your perceptions. Are you full of hope? Or hopeless? Even the worst situations can have a positive side if we look for the silver lining. For those with a hopeless perspective, this is much more difficult as all they can see are the storm clouds. These people may need help to see that the sun always comes out eventually and that there is always another day, another chance to change things, to wash away the troubles of life.

It's up to the hope full people to lead the way. I challenge you to view life with a positive perspective. To look for the lesson in life's difficulties so that you can share what you've learned with others, so they too can survive and grow from their car wash experiences.

Fran Watson

A thought for today

Be ready when opportunity comes.... Luck is the time when preparation and opportunity meet.

D Chapin, Jr. Roy

Never be entirely idle; but either be reading, or writing, or praying or meditating or endeavoring something for the public good.

Thomas a Kempis (1380-1471)

Have a wonderful day!


Time Management

Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.

- H. Jackson Brown

Don't let yesterday use up too much of today.
-- Native American Proverb

You can clutch the past so tightly to your chest that it leaves your arms too full to embrace the present.
-- Jan Glidewell

Monday, September 15, 2008

Need Some Spark in Your Relationship???

3 Ways To Re-Spark The Magic Back Into Your Relationship

Are you frustrated that your relationship doesn’t have the magic and
romance that it once had? Feel like you're stuck in a rut and always doing the
same things?

You’re not alone. After dating someone for a long time, it's easy to
slip into a stable and comfortable routine. However, you often lose the spark
that made your relationship so special in the first place. Not to worry, here
are three simple, fun and creative ways to reignite that magic:

1. Give them a unique gift - Name a Star after your partner.
A number of astronomical agencies allow individuals to name stars and you receive
formal documentation identifying the star that you have named. Or how about
this: Give your partner a magic gift box, and every month place a new small
gift in the box for your beloved to discover.

2. Say "I love you" in a unique way - Take a book
that your partner is reading and, using a pencil, underline letters in a section
of the book she has yet to read to spell out a secret message of "I love
you" or an entire love letter. Doing it just like this. Or for something
really unique: You can buy special plants that grow and after 14 days display
a message of your choice on the leaf. Cool or what!

3. Start going on dates again - One thing that separates couples
with 'out of this world' relationships, is they never stop doing new, fun and
exciting things with their partner. In other words, they never stop dating and
neither should you.

Spend the day doing fun things: go to the carnival, the beach, have a water
fight, stare at the clouds on a grassy hill, go on a picnic, walk in the rain
without raincoats and umbrellas, dress up in funny costumes and hit the town.
Or how about this: Pick your partner up for a date and blindfold her before
driving to a special destination. Try to make the destination something really
unexpected like a table set up at the top of a cliff or a dinner on a boat or
old-fashioned ship. It needs to be something that will have an impact when she
removes the blindfold.

Believe me when I say that NOTHING can rekindle the love, passion and excitement
in your relationship more than going on fun and creative dates together.

About the Author:

Oprah Love Expert Michael Webb is the author of 300 Creative Dates,
a book jam-packed with ways to rekindle your relationship with creative and
romantic outings, including including ideas for every day dates, long distance
relationships, birthdays, anniversaries and more. To learn more, visit the creative
date ideas

5 Relationship Tips You Should Know About

Thinking of Tying The Knot? 5 Tips To Make Sure You Stay Together

Did you know that love does NOT conquer all?

You see, often people get married with the idea that their “chemistry”
or undying love for each other will keep them together forever.

However, with almost 50% of marriages ending in divorce these days, it’s
obvious that this isn’t the case. Therefore, it pays to know a few little
secrets before getting married.

Here are 5 tips that help keep couples together long after tying the knot:

Tip #1 - Continue dating

Over the years, people often drift apart or relationships and marriages become
stale because couples fail to do new and special things together. That's why
going on new and refreshing dates is so important. In fact, there is something
about “dating” that creates a sense of magic in a relationship and
can even bring relationships out of a rut. While on a date, you also put more
effort into your appearance, have more uninterrupted time to communicate on
a deeper level and are naturally drawn closer together. Stuck for ideas? Spend
the day at the aquarium, zoo, museum, carnival, bookstore, beach or park.

Tip #2 – Delay is often better

It’s a well-documented statistic that couples who have dated for a year
or longer before marriage have a significantly lower rate of divorce than those
who married after a short dating period. A year of dating gives time for many
emotions to surface and many character traits to be discovered. You may adore
someone in the spring, but despise him or her in the winter. Asking someone
for his or her hand in marriage on the third date isn't romantic. It's gambling.

Tip #3 – Always express your love

Oftentimes, as a relationship matures, partners tend to stop praising each
other because they 'assume' their partner already knows what they're thinking.
When in reality, a day should never go by without you praising your partner.
Compliment them on their cooking, reaffirm that they're the greatest person
in the world or tell them they’re a wonderful role model. If you want
to be loved and romanced by your sweetheart, love and romance them first. When
they're feeling loved, it is much easier to love in return. Are you a super
supporter of what your mate does and says? So do you cheer them on and praise
them constantly? Or do they constantly hear boos or silence?

Tip #4 – Take time to understand your partner

Couples with the most problems are often the ones that say, "I just don't
understand him/her." So let me ask you: How knowledgeable are you about
your mate's profession or the degree they are pursuing? Do you know anything
about his or her family heritage? Are you able to have a meaningful conversation
about her cross-stitch hobby or his interest in rugby? If you are a man, do
you fully understand what women experience during PMS or menopause? You don't
need to be identical, but make an effort to learn about the things that interest
your partner in life and you'll grow closer as a result.

Tip #5 - Answer the BIG questions

Does your partner want kids? Do you both want careers? Do they have a history
of spending their way into debt? Do they go to church?

In my opinion, the biggest reason almost half of marriages end in divorce is
because couples fail to ask each other the right questions BEFORE they get married.
I guess people think they'll be able to change their spouses after marriage
and everything will be better. Wrong. If you fail to sit down and discuss finances,
religion, sex, housing, your future, and other topics in great detail, you could
end up with nothing but argument after argument for the rest of your days.

In the end, if you both have completely different views, desires and goals
in life, there’s no guarantee that chemistry or "I love you’s"
will help you stay together. Make it your utmost priority to understand each
other 'inside-out' BEFORE you take that walk down the aisle.

About the author:

Michael Webb is the author of “1000 Questions For Couples" the most
comprehensive book of questions that all couples should ask before getting married.
Covering lovemaking, religion, careers, money, children & raising them,
household work, personalities, the future and much much more. To learn more,
visit: 1000 Questions For Couples

Fran Watson

Friday, September 5, 2008

Happy New Year

"No, this is not an autoresponder message that is out of
sync. And I haven't gone off my rocker.

It's my way of reassuring you that regardless of what day it
is on the calendar, you can start a New Year today!

Think about it. Traditionally we all get excited about
setting goals on January 1. We are all revved up about
Taking Action - for about 2 weeks. Then we start to beat
ourselves up about why we haven't stuck with the plan - and
by March 1, we're tired and discouraged and think "oh well,
another year down the drain."

It doesn't have to be that way!

You can start a New Year ANY day of the year. For example,

- A New School Year starts the day after labor day.

- A new fiscal year starts for businesses on whichever day
they choose to start it.

- The Chinese new year starts on a different date every

So decide TODAY that you're going to start a new year TODAY.

1. What goals do you have?

2. What actions do you need to take to achieve them?

Take a few minutes to write these down. You already know
what they are because you've set New Years Goals before. But
now you get a "bonus" new start for the year - right here in
the middle of September!"

This is from an email I received today. First it made me laugh a bit and then it made me really think about my goals for this year and how I'm doing on them. The year is 3/4 complete and I should have 3/4 of my goal accomplished. I'm sorry to say that I don't and now I know I will have to get busy and work a little harder!

How about you? How are you doing on the goals you set for youself this year? Are you halfway there, or still at the starting block? Well, there is no time like the present to get back on track. Take another look at your goals and see what it is that stopped you from achieving them. Were they too large? If so, break your goals into little steps. One step per week for the balance of the year. You will be surprised at how much you can achieve.

Take some time each evening to write down your goals for the next day, so that when you wake up your mind will already have begun processing the steps to accomplish those goals.

As I said above.....Happy New Year!

Fran Watson

Thursday, August 21, 2008

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Decide What You Want

In order to get what you want, you must first decide what you want. Most people really foul up at this crucial first step because they simply can't see how it's possible to get what they want - so they don't even let themselves want it.

Don't sabotage yourself that way!

What scientists now know about how the brain works is that you must first decide WHAT you want, before your brain can figure out HOW to get it. Once you lock-in your desires, your mind and the universe can step in.

Are you ready to get started?

Be Willing to Dream BIG Dreams

As soon as you commit to a big dream and really go after it, your subconscious creative mind will come up with big ideas to make it happen. You'll start attracting the people, resources, and opportunities you need into your life to make your dream come true. Big dreams not only inspire you, they compel others to want to play big, too.

Set Goals That Will Stretch You

Another value in giving yourself permission to go after the big dreams is that big dreams require you to grow in order to achieve them. In fact, in the long run, that is the greatest benefit you will receive from pursuing your dreams - not so much the outer trappings of fulfilling the dream (an expensive car, impressive house, loads of money and philanthropic opportunities), but who you become in the process.

As I've seen many times over, the outer symbols of success can all be easily lost. Houses burn down, companies go bankrupt, relationships end, cars get old, bodies age and fame wanes, but who you are, what you have learned, and the new skills you have developed never go away. These are the true prizes of success. Motivational philosopher, Jim Rohn advises that "You should set a goal big enough that in the process of achieving it, you become someone worth becoming."

Service to Others

Something else you'll discover is that when your dreams include service to others - accomplishing something that contributes to others - it also accelerates the accomplishment of that goal. People want to be part of something that contributes and makes a difference.

Turn Your Dreams into Goals and Objectives

Once you are clear about what you want, you must turn each item into a measurable objective. By measurable, I mean measurable in space and time - how much and by when. For instance, if you were to tell me that you wanted more money, I might pull out a dollar and give it to you, but you would probably protest, saying "No, I meant a lot more money - like $20,000!" Well, how am I supposed to know unless you tell me? Similarly, your boss, your friends, your spouse, your brain - God, the Universe - can't figure out what you want unless you tell them specifically what it is. What do you want - exactly - and when do you want it by?

Write Your Goals Down

Write your goals down in detail, and read your list of goals every day. This will keep your subconscious mind focused on what you want. For an even more powerful approach, close your eyes and focus on each goal and ask yourself, "What is one thing I could do today to move toward the achievement of this goal?" Write down your answers and take those actions.

I recommend writing down a minimum of 3 goals in each of the following 7 areas:

Financial Goals
Career/Business Goals
Free Time/Family Time
Health/Appearance Goals
Relationship Goals
Personal Growth
Making a Difference

To help your reticular activating system begin finding YOUR wants in unexpected places, take time now to decide what you want and start writing!

If you want help getting started, I have a handy worksheet for you that models this formula, including examples. Click here to download this resource and start creating all that you want from your life this year.

Remember, don't hold back!
***author Jack Canfield

Cme on, take that first step towards your personal success.

Fran Watson

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Points to Ponder

Points to Ponder

If you were to FULLY live your life, what is the first change you would start to make?

What's one change you could make to your lifestyle that would give you more peace?

For your life to be perfect, what would have to change?

What do you really, really want?


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Ant Philosophy

The Ant Philosophy by Jim Rohn

Over the years I've been teaching kids about a simple but powerful concept - the ant philosophy. I think everybody should study ants. They have an amazing four-part philosophy, and here is the first part: ants never quit. That's a good philosophy. If they're headed somewhere and you try to stop them; they'll look for another way. They'll climb over, they'll climb under, they'll climb around. They keep looking for another way. What a neat philosophy, to never quit looking for a way to get where you're supposed to go.

Second, ants think winter all summer. That's an important perspective. You can't be so naive as to think summer will last forever. So ants are gathering in their winter food in the middle of summer.

An ancient story says, "Don't build your house on the sand in the summer." Why do we need that advice? Because it is important to think ahead. In the summer, you've got to think storm. You've got to think rocks as you enjoy the sand and sun.

The third part of the ant philosophy is that ants think summer all winter. That is so important. During the winter, ants remind themselves, "This won't last long; we'll soon be out of here." And the first warm day, the ants are out. If it turns cold again, they'll dive back down, but then they come out the first warm day. They can't wait to get out.

And here's the last part of the ant philosophy. How much will an ant gather during the summer to prepare for the winter? All that he possibly can. What an incredible philosophy, the "all-that-you-possibly-can" philosophy.

Wow, what a great philosophy to have - the ant philosophy. Never give up, look ahead, stay positive and do all you can.

To Your Success,
Jim Rohn

Special Note: Be part of the 1% that makes a decision to achieve all their goals in 2004! Enroll today in the Jim Rohn One Year Success Plan.
For details visit http://jr1.jimrohn.com or call 800-929-0434.

Credit Statement to be included in Reprints:

This article was submitted by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher. To subscribe to the Free Jim Rohn Weekly E-zine go to www.jimrohn.com or send a blank email to subscribe@jimrohn.com
Copyright © 2007 Jim Rohn International. All rights reserved worldwide.


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Saturday, August 2, 2008

Law of Attraction training program

Mastering the Law of Attraction
And Changing Our Lives For The Better.

If we understand Cause and Effect, can we change the Cause and change the Effect on our lives for the better?

For every effect in your life, there is a cause, or series of specific, measurable, definable, identifiable causes.

We all know someone who is a Law of Attraction intention manifest master, someone who, seemingly understands the Law of Attraction success principles and with ease appears to have everything they want, usually people who we’ve thought, much more fortunate than we were.

The Secret Law of Attraction Guide says, “we attract to our life what we give our focus, energy and attention to”.

So are these people deliberately attracting a better lifestyle or not?

For those of us who have applied our attention, energy and focus on without, we are still using Cause and Effect, it’s just that our attention has been focused in the wrong direction.

This Law says that if there is anything you want in life, an effect that you desire, you can find someone else that has achieved the same result or effect, and that by doing the same things that they have done, over and over you can eventually enjoy the same results and rewards.

However, Cause and Effect cuts in both ways. It also says that if there is an unwanted effect in your life, whether it’s no money, bad relationships, unsatisfying career, or any other difficulty, you can trace that effect back to the things that you have done to cause it and that by removing the causes you can begin to remove the effects, sometimes as quickly as overnight.

From this moment on, using Cause and Effect to attract abundance and prosperity, will be down to your knowledge, not be down to luck.

As with any skill you will need to practise affirmations, law of attraction visualization, and law of attraction exercises like powerful manifestations to attract those things you desire. And I mean practise, I can tell you how to play the piano, but I can’t make you practise, I can not give you the determination to keep trying this until you make it work.

I’m reminded of a lesson I was once taught, "Intelligence is not the secret of success, as I know many disillusioned intellects, skill is not the secret of success, as I know many talented failures, but persistence, is the only way to succeed"

Although some of us are better at certain skills, that doesn't mean the rest of us, with practice, can't improve or even surpass the talent expressed by another.

Grasping a better understanding of the process of Cause and Effect and the Law Attraction, is the first step in attracting abundance and prosperity to manifest your dreams.

Success, however you define it, is not an accident. It is not a result of good luck versus bad luck. Even if you have not taken the time to clearly identify how you got from where you were to where you are today, there have been a series of specific steps that you have taken that have brought you to where you are at this minute. And the fact is, they could have brought you to no other place.

You have used Cause and Effect to bring you to where and what you are now. It has been your choices and your decisions over the months and years that have inevitably determined the condition of your life at this moment.

The most wonderful part of this is that at any time you can start making different choices and different decisions, taking different steps and you will inevitably arrive at a different place than where you are today.

In it’s simplest terms, successful, happy, healthy, prosperous people are those that have discovered the laws that govern our lives and have designed their lives so that they are in harmony with those laws. As a result, through Cause and Effect, they experience far more joy and satisfaction, and accomplish far more in a few years then the average person does in a lifetime.

The Law of Attraction is commonly associated with wealth creation. This is a misconception. These laws are the defining principles that govern every aspect of your life; relationships, family, business and health.

When ever you need to succeed the Law of Attraction and your mental attitude will define the level of your success, or indeed failure.

Cause and Effect is this – “thoughts are causes” and “conditions are effects”. Your mind is the most powerful force in your universe. A man becomes what he thinks about most of the time.

You are, where you are and what you are, because of your habitual ways of thinking.

Your thoughts are creative, and they ultimately create your reality. So if you change your thinking, you change your life.

“whatsoever a man soweth, that also shall he reap”, whatever you are reaping today is a result of what you have sown in the past.

This is a summary of a chapter from Charles Haanal’s Master Key System, called Reversing the Process from Cause to Effect.

“You will see that every conceivable force or object or fact is the result of mind in action.

Mind in action is thought, and thought is creative. Men are thinking now, as they never thought before. Therefore, this is a creative age, and the world is awarding its richest prizes to the thinkers.

Matter is powerless, passive, and inert. Mind is force, energy, and power. Mind shapes and controls matter. Every form which matter takes is but the expression of some pre-existing thought.

But thought works no magic transformations; it obeys Natural Laws; it sets in motion natural forces; it releases natural energies; it manifests in your conduct and actions, and these in turn react upon your friends and acquaintances, and eventually upon the whole of your environment.

You can originate thought, and since thoughts are creative, you can create for yourself the things you desire.”

Whether it is called Cause and Effect, the Laws of Attraction, the Power of Positive Thinking, Powerful Intensions or simply Sowing and Reaping, they all follow universal principles that have existed since the beginning of man on this earth.

All success, happiness and high achievement comes from organizing your life in conformance with these Cause and Effect principles. When you do, you will achieve satisfaction and enjoyment at levels seldom experienced by the average person and of course, people will start to refer to you as lucky.

We should be aware, but never ever dwell on the negative, as the principle of life and metaphysics that is embodied in the law of attraction, that is that you get what you think about; your thoughts determine your destiny.

To utilize the Law of Attraction you need to understand the principle of Cause and Effect, the following is a short 3-step process:

Ask: Ask what you want in an object/scenario context

Believe: Maintain Focus; the universe will answer

Receive: Do not hesitate when the goal is manifested; seize it without hesitation.

Sounds simple enough doesn’t it?

Ask – What could be easier, however as we have already discussed, this is not as simple as that. To ask will involve positive visualisation techniques, possibly words of affirmations, vision boards or meditation. Whatever technique you use the art of asking is being accurate and specific.

Believe – One of the hardest principles to get hold of, to believe, not to doubt in any way whatsoever. When we look at the possibility of Attracting the winning lottery numbers, in principal that’s fine, but can you submit you’re numbers and without any shadow of doubt know, hand on heart, that you have the winning ticket? Doubt Blocks.

Receive – Now that must be simple? Mind you has opportunity ever presented itself to you, which, in hindsight you wish you’d taken? Seize it without hesitation but with gratitude.

These methods are great for getting started but you really need to gain full control over your subconscious, to really see the power of positive thinking.

The Law-of-Attraction-Guide training program, Unlock The Power of You, demystifies the Law of Attraction and Cause and Effect, eliminating any and all of your blocks to success. Allowing you to unleash your full potential faster than you ever thought possible!

Check it out here: https://paydotcom.com/r/48129/kkylara/19859647/

Monday, July 28, 2008

11 Beliefs That Will Not Cause Harm


Not everybody has to love me, or even like me. I don’t necessarily like everybody I know, so why should everybody else like me? I enjoy being liked and being loved, but if somebody doesn’t like me, I will still be O.K. and still feel like I am an O.K. person. I cannot “make” somebody like me any more than someone can get me to like them. I don’t need approval all the time. If someone does not approve of me, I will still be O.K.

It is O.K. to make a mistake. Making mistakes is something we all do, and I am still a fine and worthwhile person when I make mistakes. There is no reason for me to get upset when I make a mistake. I am trying, and if I make a mistake, I am going to continue trying. I can handle making a mistake. It is O.K. for others to make mistakes, too. I will accept mistakes in myself and also mistakes that others make.

People who do things I don’t like are not necessarily bad people. They should not necessarily be punished just because I don’t like what they do or did. There is no reason why another person should be the way I want them to be, and there is no reason why I should be the way somebody else wants me to be. I cannot control other people, or change them. They are who they are; we all deserve basic respect and reasonable treatment.

I will survive if things are different than what I want them to be. I can accept things the way they are, accept people they way they are, and accept myself the way I am. There is no reason to get upset if I can’t change things to fit my idea of how they ought to be. There is no reason why I should have to like everything. Even if I don’t like it, I can live with it.

I am responsible for how I feel, and for what I do. Nobody can make me feel anything. If I have a rotten day, I am the one who allowed it to be that way. If I have a great day, I am the one who deserves credit for being positive. It is not the responsibility of other people to change so that I can feel better. I am the one who is in charge of my life.

I don’t need to watch out for things to go wrong. Things usually go just fine, and when they don’t, I can handle it. I don’t have to waste my energy worrying. The sky won’t fall in; things will be O.K.

I can. Even though I may be faced with difficult tasks, it is better to try than to avoid them. Avoiding a task does not give me any opportunities for success or joy, but trying does. Things worth having are worth the effort. I might not be able to do everything, but I can do something.

I don’t need someone else to take care of my problems. I am capable. I can take care of myself. I can make decisions for myself…I can think for myself. I don’t have to depend on somebody else to take care of me.

I can change. I don’t have to be a certain way because of what has happened in the past. Every day is a new day. It is silly to think I can’t help being the way I am. Of course I can.

I can’t solve other people’s problems for them. I don’t have to take on other people’s problems as if they were my own. I don’t need to change other people, or fix up their lives. They are capable and can take care of themselves, and can solve their own problems. I can care and be of some help, but I can’t do everything for them.

There is more than one way to do something. More than one person has good ideas that will work. There is no one and only “best” way. Everybody has ideas that are worthwhile. Some may make more sense to me than others, but everyone’s ideas are worthwhile, and everyone has something worthwhile to contribute.

From: Thinking, Changing, Rearranging
By Jill Anderson



Sunday, July 27, 2008


Author unknown

Excellence is never an accident. It is achieved in an organization or institution only as a result of an unrelenting and vigorous insistence on the highest standards of performance. It requires an unswerving expectancy of quality from the staff and volunteers.

Excellence is contagious. It infects and affects everyone in the organization. It charts the direction of a program. It establishes the criteria for planning. It provides zest and vitality to the organization. Once achieved, excellence has a talent for
permeating every aspect of the life of the organization.

Excellence demands commitment and a tenacious dedication from the leadership of the organization. Once it is accepted and expected, it must be nourished and continually reviewed and renewed. It is a never-ending process of learning and growing. It requires a spirit of motivation and boundless energy. It is always the result of a creatively conceived and precisely planned effort.

Excellence inspires; it electrifies. It potentializes every phase of the organization’s life. It unleashes an impact which influences every program, every activity, every committee, every staff person. To instill it in an organization is difficult; to sustain it, even more so. It demands imagination and vigor. But most of all, it requires from the leadership a constant state of self-discovery and discipline.

Excellence is an organization’s life-line. It is the most compelling answer to apathy and inertia. It energizes a stimulating and pulsating force. Once it becomes the expected standard of performance, it develops a fiercely driving and motivating
philosophy of operation. Excellence is a state of mind put into action. It is a road-map to success. When a climate of excellence exists, all things—staff work, volunteer leadership, finances, program—come easier.

Excellence in an organization is important—because it is everything.

Be excellent in all you do!


Monday, July 21, 2008

Out of Balance??

Here is an article by one of my colleagues. I hope you enjoy it.

Lenny's Tip For The Day: Don't replace the garage door!

For weeks, every time Lenny and Kathy would back the car out of the garage to leave the house, the remote-controlled garage door would shake, hit a certain point, then bounce back open again. After multiple attempts to close the door (hitting the remote control at just the right time, getting out of the car and pulling down the door by hand, or the ultimate - performing the complex, "Please, please close now" ritual) somehow, it would eventually shut.

One day, after 10 frustrating tries to close the door, Kathy resorted to calling a repair shop and asking them to come look at the door. The next day a technician arrived. After assessing the situation he said, "Ma'am, you need a new garage door. This one is old, worn out, and coming off the tracks."

Given his recommendation, and her own level of aggravation, Kathy felt she had no other choice than to replace the door.

Later that same day, Kathy's next-door neighbor came for a visit and Kathy mentioned the broken garage door. The neighbor asked to take a look and after he did he said, "Kathy, you don't need a new door. The door is just out of balance. It just needs something to stabilize it." He returned a few minutes later with a metal bar and attached it to the top of the door. It was like magic. The door opened and closed with ease!

Lenny has observed humans and has noticed that they sometimes allow their lives to get out of balance, without even realizing that a lack of balance is the source of their problems. Sometimes balance shifts through overuse, lack of maintenance, or inattention and that makes people begin to get off track. Often times, just making a small life adjustment will help stabilize us, get us functioning and working again with ease!

Lenny's Challenge: Take 60 seconds and ask yourself, "Am I out of balance? Working to hard? Not spending enough time with my family and loved ones? Not taking enough time for myself? What is one thing I can do today to make an adjustment that will help stabilize my life and bring it back on track and into balance?" Before you decide to "buy a new door," how can you learn to recognize your own state of balance?

Staying balanced is 100% your choice! Shed or You're Dead (TM)!


Announcing NEW BRIDGES program!

Kathy Dempsey has partnered with Bob Danzig, former CEO of Hearst Newspapers, to bring you a new spirit-driven leadership program called Bridges - Connecting the spirit, commitment, and morale of your colleagues to your organization's noble purpose. Visit www.TheLearningAgenda.com for more information.

Order Kathy's new book, Shed or You're Dead (TM): 31 unConventional Strategies for Growth and Change (recipient of a Writer's Digest International Book Award). It makes a great gift for family, friends, colleagues, or staff! Do you know someone who needs a few strategies to get unstuck and grow? To order personalized and autographed copies, visit www.TheLearningAgenda.com or call 302-765-3301. Shed or You're Dead (TM) is $15.95. Free shipping to the first 10 people who mention this message! Order five or more copies and get 30% off the cover price.

Does your organization need a little help shedding? Looking for a speaker or trainer for your next meeting? Need help in 2004 with strategic planning? Kathy and Lenny's facilitated programs might be just what you need. Email Info@TheLearningAgenda.com or visit www.TheLearningAgenda.com for more details.

Recommend 60 Seconds of Shedding to a friend by sending them to www.KeepShedding.com to sign up for their own subscription.

Kathy B Dempsey - www.TheLearningAgenda.com - 302-765-3301 - Kathy@TheLearningAgenda.com

TheLearningAgenda.com - Helping individuals and organizations grow by "shedding their skin."
Change Management - Communication - Strategic Planning


Here's to staying in balance!

Fran Watson

3119 Stone Road
Ontario K0J 1S0

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Transforming Leaders

By Ken Keis

Leadership is missing in our political system, businesses, schools, and even our families. Our streets are filled with wandering souls waiting for someone to build a vision they can grasp.

Everyone is a leader at some level with someone. Leadership skills are required for parenting and being a friend or part of a couple—in your household and at work. We have all seen examples of ineffective leaders, from the lazy boss who expects everyone else to do his work, to the parent of the uncontrolled child at the mall. Leadership is not restricted to the manager of a major corporation; it applies to everyone in every organization.

The challenges for many leaders are that they can manage but not lead; quantify yet not empathize; control but not empower.

Leadership is learned; it is not a skill we receive at birth. To expect someone to automatically know how to build and lead anorganization is a fallacy at best.

We must approach the subject of leadership with a fresh, new vibrant attitude where we truly believe each person makes a difference and is a leader in his or her own right. This new way of thinking forces us to consider changes―where collaboration comes before confrontation, empowerment replaces control, and the value of the individual precedes profits or self-centered hidden agendas.

Leadership credibility comes from four qualities: inspiration, honesty, competency, and forward-looking. Effective leaders operate daily according to certain principles for positive change and demonstrate skills that others want to model.

Five skill sets are essential in the development of transforming leaders. Our experience has proven that few people are competent in all five skills. Educational programs can be created to help individuals learn these important skills.

Self-Management SkillsThis intensely personal yet important area includes the clarification of beliefs, values, purpose, and goals. If leaders are not clear about where they are going and what they stand for, few people will be willing to follow them. Only from a position of self-awareness will you be in a better position to devise a plan to develop and strengthen your weaker areas.

Interpersonal Communication Skills
Interpersonal communication skills are the vehicles through which all interactions you have with other people are made more clear and effective. Attending, listening, responding, and questioning are just four of the twelve skills identified as necessary for quality communication to occur.

Problem Management and Counseling SkillsLeaders who develop these competencies are able to encourage others to develop and perform to their potential. At the heart of effective coaching and mentoring, these proficiencies are critical to any organizational development. Advanced empathy, problem-ownership, action planning, confrontation, and self-sharing are just five of the twelve skills needed for competency in the areas of problem-management and counseling.

Consulting Skills
Group facilitation, clarification, assessment, evaluation, and reporting are included in this skill set. The emphasis of this section is your ability to handle complex situations with an increasingly in-depth set of responses.

Advanced Versatility and Style-Shifting SkillsThe ability to style-shift into appropriate behaviors that match the style of others is a necessity when building and empowering teams. This skill is for everyone; it can be applied to customer service, supervision, team building, and even spousal/family relationships. This expertise is required for gaining credibility with others and for adapting to the permanent state of change in which we find ourselves.

One way to identify your clients’ leadership strengths and weaknesses is through the Leadership Skills Inventory (LSI). The base of the LSI is Transformational Leadership, the belief that leaders can be made, with the right training and guidance. Today's tough organizational challenges require transformational leaders who can adapt to rapidly changing social and technical environments. The Leadership Skills Inventory provides participants with the necessary feedback to better understand and develop their own transformational leadership skills.

Dr. Doug Perkins, Director of People for Coastal Pacific Xpress (CPX), has taken a number of his company’s senior staff through the Leadership Skills Inventory. CPX, headquartered in Cloverdale, BC, has evolved from one truck and trailer in 1985 to 160 trucks and 250 trailers today, making it one of the fastest-growing, temperature-controlled truckload carriers in the province. In fact, the company serves major markets throughout North America.

“Trucking often attracts lower-skilled people,” states company owner Jim Mickey. “Factors combine to create what I call a ‘stupid business.’ You have a $160,000 truck, you put on a trailer worth $70,000 holding $50,000 of cargo and you trust a guy with no competence. How dumb is this?”

To tackle the problem, Jim and CPX set out to hand-pick the best in the industry. Enter Dr. Doug Perkins and CRG assessments.

Doug gives the Leadership Skills Inventory–Self to all CPX managers to evaluate their own leadership skills. To create a full picture of each manager’s strengths, each manager gives Doug the names of five employees who know them well. Doug then distributes the Leadership Skills Inventory–Others to those individuals. To protect people’s anonymity, those who complete the LSI–Others tools return them to Doug, not the manager.

After Doug has received the five LSI–Others for each manager, he averages all five scores and compares them against the manager’s scores on the Leadership Skills Inventory–Self. He then gives the results to the respective manager for review.

Doug and the manager work through the three highest and the three lowest scores in each category. Where the manager received scores that showed he or she was highly competent in that area and capable of teaching that skill, for example, Doug asks the manager to teach his or her assistant how to train the staff in that particular area. Where the manager scored low and wants to improve, Doug teaches or provides resources to help the manager in those areas.

Doug sees the Leadership Skills Inventory as a helpful coaching tool to complement the other CRG resources Coastal Pacific Xpress is using.

Becoming a transforming leader is not an overnight process. You may find it overwhelming and extensive at times, but it will be worth it. You will discover you can make a difference, whoever you are.

Ken Keis is the president and CEO of Consulting Resource Group in Abbotsford, B.C. (www.crgleader.com). He can be reached at (604) 852-0566 or ken@crgleader.com.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Lifestyle Changes

I have been listening to Jim Rohn for the past few weeks as I drive back and forth to work and what he has been saying has really got me thinking about my lifestyle and the way I do things. One of the main things that he has said that I've heard before, but has made more of an impact this time is MAKE A PLAN - If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. This is particularly true in the area of finances. Jim talks about the value of investing our time wisely. He states that you can always get more money, but you can't get more time.

It is time for me to PLAN my time, to decide what I want to do, need to do and let go of all the rest. One of the things that has fallen by the wayside in my busy life has been this blog. I had intended, (but not specifically planned for) to keep this up on a daily basis, or at the very minimum a weekly basis, but I have falled far behind on that. Those of you who have been reading have probably been wondering when I would be returning.

My plan for this weekend is to finish up yard work and I have booked my son and my boyfriend to help with this project. That will free up some of my time. As well, I am no longer President of two Toastmaster Clubs, nor am I the Area Governor, so that will also free up some of my time. Next I will sit down and write out a plan of when I will do my writing, my blogging, my reading and also plan time for my family and friends.

I would encourage you to check out Jim Rohn for yourself, to see if some of what he says hits home with you too.

All the best

Fran Watson

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Free MP3 by Jim Rohn???? Get it now!!!

I am just finishing up a CD set by Jim Rohn. I have been attending "Automobile University" as I have listed to 10 of the 12 CDs. Next step is to listen to them again with pen and paper in hand to note all the tips and techniques he shares.

You now have a chance to hear - FOR FREE - some of the wonderful information he has to share. Don't miss out! Give yourself a chance to become the person you can be! Listen carefully to this man who went from flat broke to a millionaire in 5 short years.

Free mp3!

Building Your Network Marketing Business
by Jim
hottest single audio ever created
in the Network
Marketing Industry

to the best in personal development Ezines - Jim
Rohn, Denis Waitley, Chris Widener, Ron White and
Your Achievement Ezine - plus receive a discount on all
MP3s and eBooks from Jin Rohn International -
available for a limited time

For Your Free Download, Click Here:


Sunday, June 8, 2008

Claim Your Power Now

Has procrastination become a habit?

Are you paralyzed by fear that's keeping you from going after what you want?

Do you have trouble staying focused on a goal?

Are you ready for a personal breakthrough?

Want some help?

We just received a brand new CD album that I can modestly say will 'knock your
socks off!' Produced from the recordings of the live events by the pre-eminent
spoken-word producers in the U.S., this 12-CD program features Jim Rohn, Bob
Proctor and a stable of other world-class trainers.
Now, in the comfort of
your home and automobile you can experience an exciting breakthrough just like
the live audience where this life-altering material was recorded.

- Learn how your past may be silently holding your future hostage, and the
simple exercises that will allow you to break free and take a quantum leap
forward. Don't be surprised if you see double, triple, even quadruple the
results you're getting now.

- Learn the real causes of procrastination and how to defeat it. The answer may
surprise you and the "cure" will turbo-charge all of your efforts.

- The friction-free way to maintain laser focus on any goal. This is the
"secret" of the biggest goal achievers in the world.

And Much, Much More!

To learn more go today toClaim Your Power

Make it an Awesome Day!

Fran Watson, Part of your YSS Team

P.S. Just so you know how powerful this program is, Beverly Kurtin of Hurst,
Texas attended the Dallas event and wrote later to say, 'I'm calling people I've
put off talking to, I'm making appointments, and I'm closing sales... this is
FUN!' Go Claim Your Power Now...

Monday, June 2, 2008

My Purpose

I have been online for aout 10 years now. I have experimented with online marketing, downloaded ebooks that promise me I will make loads of money if only I..., maxed out my credit cards to pay for this information, spent hours and hours downloading and reviewing "free" information from the many givewaways I participated in. I have felt guilty about the amount of time I have spent doing this, the time I have spent reading and sorting the many emails I have received, trying to decide what to keep and what to trash, who is offering what this week, how can I make some money from this.

I read something this week that really struck home with me. Funnily enough it was a book about MLM Marketing, but with a difference. One thing the author said was that you should never promote a product you haven't tried. If you don't know how it works, how can you tell anyone else about its benefits. I'm sure you, like me, have received multiple emails with the same heading and the same wording - affiliates who are promoting a product they know nothing about. I too have been guilty.

The other thing the author talked about was building relationships. That took me back to the reason I wanted to get involved online, to build relationships with people, to share the knowledge and skill that I had gained to help them in their daily lives. I had even taken a coaching course to allow me to do this and yet I wasted all this time running from one program to another, one traffic exchange to another, only to become exhausted and return to my real passion.

Now is the time to go back to the beginning. To get out the CD's that Mike provided me and listen to them again. To withdraw from the Traffic Exchanges until I have developed my focus and then target simply those that will support my goals. To develop my website with focus on providing the type of information that I know.

I have been a career counsellor for 20 years and have done training for most of those years. I joined Toastmasters in 2002 and so I have skills and experience in that area as well. I have taken coaching courses, learned about personalities with Myers Briggs and Personality Dimensions (True Colors)and completed a University Degree in Social Development Studies. All of these abilities and interests involve people and yet I am spending more and more of my time not helping people, but insread reading email that I don't need to read and surfing on traffic exchanges to build credits for my webpages.

It is definitely time to refocus and get back to the basics.

I invite you to comment and check back to see how I'm doing. If you have any advice for me, if you've gone through this yourself, I'd sure like to hear from you.


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Wait Is Over

You’ve been waiting for a long time and finally its here- an affiliate program that will blow all the others out of the water!

The already popular TheSecondTier affiliate training center has undergone a complete information and visual makeover.

As an affiliate you’ll get more tools and they’ll be more powerful than ever. This translates directly into cha-ching! Here are just a few things that make this affiliate program the most effective affiliate program out there:

• Huge commissions on both first AND second tier sales!!! • Product tools for all types of affiliates.
• Full training center with access hours of video and audio training.
• Live affiliate manager blog where you can get your affiliate questions answered.
• Weekly live training calls (every monday morning!!!)

Russell Brunson's unique philosophy that affiliates should be provided not only with powerful tools but the knowledge to use them has pushed TheSecondTier to the top of competing programs. Russell has taken affiliate training to a whole new level. He understands that he can have hundreds of affiliates that don’t know what they are doing and get decent sales OR he can give them the knowledge and tools they need to create explosive amounts of money AND share with them a very generous portion of the profits from each sale they generate!

Here are just a few of the things that you'll learn inside of TheSecondTier:
• How to choose the right product for you to promote - One of the biggest mistakes that almost all affiliates make when they first start out, is that they try to promote too many things at once. This video will show you exactly how to choose the right one or two products that will make you the most money.
• How to set up an "Affiliate Squeeze" page - Less then 2% of all affiliates use this powerful technique, but after you implement it into your affiliate promotions, you will see your commissions grow exponentially.

• How to drive targeted traffic to your "Affiliate Squeeze" pages for FREE - Once you learn this simple (and free) concept on how to drive traffic to your "Affiliate Squeeze" pages, you will be able to start literally writing your own paychecks.

• How to build an huge targeted opt-in mailing list - You will learn how easy it is to build an opt-in list, and use that to exponentially increase your affiliate commissions EVERY week!
• How to strategically place "Affiliate Land Mines" and watch your profits EXPLODE! - Follow this one simple strategy and you will start getting checks in the mail every month!

• How to dominate your Pay Per Click ad campaigns - It's very powerful if you learn how to do it right. This video will walk you through the process to get high converting PPC ads! • How to use teleseminars to close ten times the clients in 1/2 the time - One of the secrets to selling a lot of products as an affiliate quickly is doing teleseminars. I was nervous when I did my first few, but now I can't stop because every time I do one, my affiliate checks from that day are anywhere from $2,000 - $15,000 (and it's a lot easier then you'd think).

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• and a whole lot more....

Russell does not discriminate against less experienced affiliates. In fact, he’s already taken countless numbers of people from knowing 0 to being listed among his top affiliates. It is so effective that some people actually pay to sell products for him!

The products Russell puts out are of top quality and always in demand. In fact, people call his office months before products are ready just begging to know when they can get their hands on them.

Combine this with all the promotional and training tools Russell provides and you’re already half way to making serious affiliate commissions. The other half will be done when you take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!


Resource Box:
TheSecondTier is a free affiliate training center for those interested in learning how to make money online as an affiliate marketer. You can get your free account today by registering at: http://kkylara.TheSecondTier.com/

Monday, May 19, 2008


Seven Ways to Amp Your Attitude

How often do you walk into Starbucks, go to the coffee pot at home or work, grab some chocolate or a bag of chips, or buy your favorite caffeinated beverage looking for just a little more juice, something to energize you, or to amp up your day just a little bit (there’s even an energy drink named Amp!)?

Sure you may like the taste of those treats, and even gain some temporary energy, but they aren’t a complete answer to your energy and attitude challenges.

Here are seven specific things you can do at any time (including right now) to amp up your energy and attitude – with no caffeine crash or calories!

Amp Your Attitude

Take action first. Dale Carnegie taught, “Act enthusiastic, and we’ll be enthusiastic.” He was right. Actions impact thoughts. Don’t believe me? Ever gotten up and drug yourself around the house trying to get your day started? How much energy do you feel on those mornings? Compare that to the mornings when you hop out of bed because you are late. In which case do you have more energy in the moment?

Assume you can. How many new ideas (or even old ideas) are immediately met with “that won’t work,” or “we can’t do that”? Maybe you can’t, and maybe it won’t. But what if everyone started with the assumption that you could do it and that it would work? I’m not saying every idea is great or that you can do everything. But it does mean that ideas can be investigated from a perspective of can-do and hope. This approach will definitely create a better attitude – and better results.

Have some fun. Take time out of your day (right now?) and have some fun! I’m not suggesting forgetting or neglecting your work – but approaching your day with the spice of fun. What happens to your attitude when you are laughing? (My point exactly.)

Look for the good. Look for the good in the day, in the situation, in other people. Look for the good in ideas (we’ve already covered that one!), challenges and problems. Just look for the good – all around you. Once you choose to look for it – you will find it. And, your attitude will improve, guaranteed.

Take off your black hat. In many situations I hear, “but someone needs to be the devil’s advocate.” In my experience the same people are always the devil’s advocate. If you always wear the black hat, take it off for awhile. If work with the black hat, ask for a black hat moratorium in your office for an hour, a day or a week. Even if you work by yourself, you will amp your attitude by being an angel’s advocate today.

Change your environment. Maybe you can’t change the paint in your surroundings (and you certainly can’t do it right now), but you can change your environment. If you find yourself heading to the ‘dark side,’ get up from your desk. Walk around the office or outside. Do anything to change your perspective and you will improve your attitude – the brief bit of exercise won’t hurt either.

Smile. I’ve saved the simplest and easiest for last. Smile. When you smile you feel better. When you smile – and others see it – they smile too (try it) and then you feel even better. If you want to amp your attitude right now, smile (it takes less than a second).

You can do any (or all) of these things right now. They are each a choice. Some may be easier for you, so it might be smart to start there. Start there, but don’t stop there – implement these ideas and make your attitude (and results) soar!

Potential Pointer: There is real value in having a good attitude. Not the least of which is that people with positive attitudes are the ones others want to work with and be around! There are very specific things you can do every day to improve your attitude, and there’s no time like the present to start!

© 2008 The Kevin Eikenberry Group – All Rights Reserved (with permission)
The Kevin Eikenberry Grouphttp://www.kevineikenberry.com/7035 Bluffridge WayIndianapolis, IN 46278

Saturday, April 26, 2008

A New Earth Is Rising

A New Earth Is Rising...
We Stand at the Edge of a New Beginning.

A New Earth reality is being borne – a reality not so much utopian, but one where Essence and Spirit preside (rather than form and ego) and we are fully empowered to manifest the things in life that make our heart's sing!
To fully participate, we must learn to let go of the energies of the past, as we connect and blend with our Spiritual Core and co-create dynamic lives rich with joy, fulfillment, beauty and laughter.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Too Old???

Opportunity Knocks

Who Says You Can't Live Your Dreams?
By Valerie Young

Dreamers beware: for every dream there are 10 naysayers just
waiting to dash it. It almost happened to Beverly Goodman Park.
Park was close to 60 when her marriage ended. At an age when
most people are contemplating retirement, Park decided to pursue
a long-held dream of becoming an attorney. A lot of people told
her she was too old. Undaunted, Park went to law school while
working full-time, passed the bar exam, and at 61, landed a job
at a law firm. Of her critics she says, "I thought this age
stuff was baloney."

Walter Anderson, author of The Greatest Risk of All, says by the
time we are in our 20s, we will have heard 25,000 "can'ts."
Don't expect a lot of support for your "foolish dreams."
Instead, be prepared to reach deep within to turn "can't" into
"can." Here are two motivation-boosting tips to get you started:

Become the Future You

Dreams, by their very nature, are about the future. With so many
present-day demands your dream can start to feel distant. The
more far-off the goal, the less likely it is you will act on it.

How can you make sure your dream doesn't fall prey to the
out-of-sight, out-of-mind syndrome? By bringing it into the
present. To do this you must become the future "you." Here's
how: The next time someone asks what you do for a living, try
answering, not in terms of the present, but as if you were
actively engaged in pursing your dream right this minute. In
other words, squelch your pat "I'm an accountant/in sales/a
social worker/a homemaker" response and instead try saying
something like: "I'm an aspiring mystery writer," or "I'm
looking into returning to school to become an oceanographer," or
"I'm in the process of changing careers to pursue my love of
gourmet cooking."

It doesn't matter if you haven't written a single page of your
future bestseller, sent away for one college catalog, or lifted
a finger to pursue your passion for cooking. What does matter is
that the dream that once felt elusive will suddenly begin to
feel real. And when that happens, you will be amazed at how much
sooner you'll get the change ball rolling. Before you know it,
you will actually BE the future you!

Get Inspired

Someone who knows a lot about the power of "acting as if" is
Steven Spielberg. Hoping to fulfill his filmmaking dreams,
Spielberg explains that he snuck onto the lot of Universal
Studios and became a "squatter" in an empty office. He even
bought plastic letters to mount his name in the building
directory. Security guards and exec's alike thought the guy
belonged there. His high jinks paid off. Spielberg's first
directorial break came when the studio bigwigs finally saw his
first film and liked what they saw.

This and other success stories can be found in Mischief
Marketing: How the Rich, Famous, & Successful Really Got Their
Careers and Businesses Going. Author Ray Simon reveals how
famous people as diverse as Mother Teresa, Duke Ellington, Andy
Kaufman, rap artist Big Pun, and Benjamin Franklin really got
started in life and how you can use their mischievous techniques
to do the same.

As encouraging as success stories can be, learning about
another's failure can be just as inspiring. Did you know that
Bob Dylan was booed off the stage at his high school talent
show? Or that Walt Disney was fired from a newspaper job for
"lacking ideas?" Or that Thomas Edison failed to perfect the
light bulb until his ten-thousandth try? How many "can'ts" do
you think these dreamers had to endure?

And when faced with a dream-buster, these "failure stories" can
make great comebacks, too. Would Parks' critics have been so
quick to discourage had she pointed out that Grandma Moses
didn't start painting until she was 80 years-old and that, of
her over 1,500 paintings, 25 percent were produced when she was
past 100?

"Persistence," said Robert Half, "is what makes the impossible
possible, the possible likely, and the likely definite." As
anyone who has ever chased a dream will tell you,
disappointment, self-doubt, and failure go with the territory.
The trick is to recognize these setbacks for what they really
are - bumps in the road, not the end of the road.

Publisher Katherine Graham said it well: "To love what you do
and feel that it matters - how could anything be more fun?" This
is your life we're talking about here. So what are you waiting
for? Catch a dream, have some fun and start turning can't into

Add Your Two Cents
Want to comment on this article? Click here to hop over to the
Changing Course Blog: http://ChangingCourse.com/blog

About the Author
"Turning Interests Into Income" expert, Valerie Young,
Abandoned her corporate cubicle to become the
Dreamer in Residence at http://ChangingCourse.com
offering resources to help you discover your life mission
and live it. Her career change tips have been cited in
Kiplinger's, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today Weekend,
Woman's Day, and elsewhere and on-line at MSN,
CareerBuilder, and iVillage.com. An expert on the Impostor
Syndrome, Valerie has spoken on the topic of How to Feel as
Bright and Capable as Everyone Seems to Think You Are
(http://ImpostorSyndrome.com) to such diverse organizations as
Daimler Chrysler, Bristol-Meyers Squibb, Harvard, and American
Women in Radio and Television.

To read more articles about how to work at what you love without
a job go to http://ChangingCourse.com/articles

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Vision and Value

"The vision and values we choose to fix in our minds today determines tomorrow's character and culture. We start to change who we're becoming and where we're headed when we change what we value and picture in our future."

- from Jim Clemmer's article, "Our Values Shape Our Character and Culture"

What Are Your Priorities?

"Our values hierarchy sets our priorities. It determines where we spend our time. For example, do we choose to watch TV or invest that time in personal improvement? Do we sleep longer or go jogging? Do we spend time with our family or take on that extra project with heavy out of town travel? Who gets invited to important meetings? These are important questions because we invest our time in those areas we value most."

- from Jim Clemmer's article, "Our Values Set Our Priorities"

How Do You See The World?

"There is no objective reality. We don't see the world as it is, we see the world as we are."

Sean was filling out a university questionnaire to help determine roommate compatibility. Beside the questions, "Do you make your bed every day?" and "Do you consider yourself a neat person?" he checked "Yes." Later his mother reviewed the questionnaire. Knowing those answers were far from the truth, she asked Sean why he'd lied. "What do you expect me to do," he retorted. "I don't want to get stuck living with some slob!"

The gap between what we say we value and how we live can get pretty big. This hypocrisy could be because I am trying to fool others. Some people don't try to do what's right, they try to guess what other people think is right. For example, when someone says it's not about the money, but the principle of the thing, it's usually about the money. The manager of a large bookstore once told me that the book they have stolen the most is the Bible. Hypocrites climb the social, organizational, or career ladder 'wrong' by 'wrong' while trying to justify, excuse, or disguise their behavior. Like Mae West in Klondike Annie, when choosing between two evils, they pick the one they haven't tried before.

More often hypocrisy is because I am fooling myself. I am not being true to me. I am not authentic. Lack of authenticity often stems from lack of awareness of the values or beliefs that are really at the core of who I am. When we're not centered with a solid core, change is often a threat. It's also harder to accumulate the positive choices that vaccinate us against the Victimitis Virus and keep us from living in Pity City. Lacking a firm focal point, passion is weak and commitment is soft. Without a strong set of core values we're more likely to lead our lives from the outside in rather than the inside out. A centered leader grows his or her inner space and provides spirit and meaning to others. When our values aren't in focus our energy is easily scattered. That makes it tougher to mobilize ourselves never mind anyone else. Core values provide a context for continuous growth and development that takes us toward our dreams. Our core values project forward to become our vision. How we see the world is what we project from ourselves.

In Going Deep, Ian Percy writes, "Most business people I know are much more concerned with the quality of their customer service than they are with the quality of their parenting and spousing." In one highly successful company we consulted with executives proudly declared they had the highest divorce rate of any major corporation in the country. Many wore their divorces as a badge of honor to show their commitment to the company. When the company suddenly tosses them aside or they reach retirement, is a broken family the price that most of these executives will feel glad they paid for their career success? No one can judge someone else's values, but is that really what they value? Is career success at all costs their core essence?

Our core values show themselves in many ways. One is at points of crisis, disaster, or adversity. That's often when our actions move us unconsciously from the depth of our heart. Any masks we may be wearing are torn off to reveal our true face. Money is often another powerful way a person's core essence is revealed to him or herself and/or others. It's amazing to hear some people proclaim family values and then trash their "loved ones" over an inheritance. Greed is responsible for some mighty creative rationalizations. It's great to have money and the good life that money can buy. But we need to ensure that we haven't lost the invaluable things that money can't buy.

Excerpted from Jim's fourth international best-seller, Growing the Distance: Timeless Principles for Personal, Career, and Family Success. Jim Clemmer’s practical leadership books, keynote presentations, workshops, and team retreats have helped hundreds of thousands of people worldwide improve personal, team, and organizational leadership. Visit his web site, www.clemmer.net, for a huge selection of free practical resources including nearly 300 articles, dozens of video clips, team assessments, leadership newsletter, Improvement Points service, and popular leadership blog.

Lifelong Learning

"Continuous learning, growing, and developing helps us find the path that is personal and unique to us. Ways of doing things depend upon tools and techniques.. There are no tools or techniques for ways of being. We all need to keep searching, growing, and developing those ways that are true to our inner selves and take us where we want to go."

- from Jim Clemmer's article, "Blazing Our Own Improvement Path"
Click here to read the full article now