Today's focus in the 8 step personal development series is Getting Real!
You do not have to be anybody other than your authentic self. This does not mean wearing your favorite worn out jeans or yoga pants to the next corporate meeting. What this does mean ...
March to the beat of your own drum whenever you can!
You are unique.
You are a miracle.
You are a graceful creator.
You matter.
Your true path may never be revealed if you spend your life behaving like you "should".
"Well behaved women rarely make history." - Louisa May Alcott
Why on Earth would you spend your life doing things over and over that you have no interest in, or continue in a career or relationship that is no longer fulfilling? If your answer is security, think again...
It's never too soon, nor too late to discover your passion and live your life on your own terms.
Years ago my mentor coach asked me to work on a creative project to identify what kind of a professional coach I wanted to be.
The mission... Create a simple picture of ME in my element, surrounded by all of the props and things that light me up as woman. A brand new box of crayons and a short time later, "Super Shann" was created.
You might begin with a comparison and contrast of the person you are at work and the person you are at home with friends and family. Which person is more authentic?
There is no need to be an experienced artist. Just get started and have fun with the process.
Check out my rendition of "Super Shann" a fun picture illustrating this creative idea.
Groovy Action Plan
What do you enjoy the most about your career / business / job?
What are you truly passionate about?
Can you surround yourself with more inspiration?
Draw a fun and vibrant picture of your authentic self, who you are under all of the layers of who you "should" be.
Feeling brave and silly? Email me your picture and I'll post it on the True Balance Life Coaching blog.
Next up ... What Makes You Tick?
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I hope you enjoyed this. You can sign up for your own free e-course.
Fran Watson
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