I have been reading Simple Abundance by Sarah Bean Breathnach for the past 9 months and today's reading hit me between the eyes.
She began with a quote by Edna St. Vincent Millay: My candle burns on both ends; It will not last the night. Exactly what I was feeling.
She went on to say that "burnout is a condition caused by unbalance: too much work or responsibility, too little time to do it, over too long a period." Yes, that too. Too many clubs, too much responsibility, feeling I had to carry everything on my shoulders, that if things failed, it would be my fault, and over too long a time period -- 12 years. Or wait, maybe it was even longer, maybe 28 years - since my husband left me with 4 kids to raise, and when I worked full time, raised the kids and took my university degree over 13 years.
Whatever it was, as Sarah said, "a smoldering flame can be just as deadly as a flash fire" and I think that things were smoldering below the surface for quite some time. Sarah called it when she said, "first degree burnout--the soul snuffer--comes from living unbalanced for years, when what was supposed to be a temporary situation becomes a lifestyle".
Her final paragraph told me what I have to do. "When you're suffering from burnout, you are the only person on earth who can help because you're the only one who can make the lifestyle changes that need to be made; to call a halt, to take a slower path, to make a detour." And so I have. I have cut back on meetings. I am letting others take control. I am backing away from too much responsibility. I am taking better care of me, going to bed earlier, eating better, stopping work earlier, taking time to get out in nature.
How about you? Are you beginning to feel the strain of burnout? Take the time now to make the necessary changes before you crash and burn.
See below for a short test you can take.
To a new and better you (BANABU)
SCORE YOURSELF: 4 Always 3 Frequently 2 Sometimes 1 Never
Do you try to do as much as
possible in the least amount of time? _____
Do you become impatient with
delays or interruptions? _____
Do you always have to win games
to enjoy yourself? _____
Do you speed up the car to beat
the red light? _____
Are you unlikely to ask for
help with a problem? _____
Do you constantly seek
admiration and respect from others? _____
Are you overly critical of the
way others do their work? _____
Do you have the habit of
looking at your watch or clock often? _____
Do you constantly strive to
better your position and achievements? _____
10. Do you spread yourself too thin in terms of time? _____
11. Do you do more than one thing at a time? _____
12. Do you frequently get irritable or angry? _____
13. Do you have little time for hobbies or time by yourself? _____
14. Do you have a habit of talking quickly or hastening conversations? _____
15. Do you consider yourself hard-driving? _____
16. Do your friends or relatives consider you hard-driving? _____
17. Do you have a tendency to get involved in multiple projects? _____
18. Do you have a lot of deadlines in your work? _____
19. Do you feel vaguely guilty if you relax and do nothing during
leisure? _____
20. Do you take on too many responsibilities? _____
Between 20 – 30, your life
probably lacks stimulation
Between 31 – 50, you have a
good balance in your ability to handle stress
Between 51 – 60, you are
bordering on excessively tense
Over 60 – you may be a
candidate for heart disease
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