Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Weeds or Flowers?

This afternoon I had a chance to get back out into my garden for a few minutes.  I was enjoying the beautiful flowers, but I noticed how quickly the weeds had grown up and how they were trying to take over the garden.  As I pulled them out I thought about how much like life this is. 

We "plant" beautiful deeds in our lives and we go along for a little while quite comfortably but then we notice that some "weeds" have sprung up.  Perhaps someone said something and your feelings were hurt.  Perhaps you said something to someone that you now regret.  Perhaps you didn't get the job you wanted, the project you were hoping for, the raise you expected and the niggling doubts (weeds) started taking over. 

It doesn't take long for the negativity to set in after that and unless you get rid of those weeds quickly they can take over and you  begin to feel some signs of depression.  You may wake up in the morning and not want to get out of bed.  You may not want to get out and socialize with your friends.  You may sit around your house moping.

It is important to deal with those "weeds" as soon as they start.  It is much easier to pluck them when they are small rather than wait until they have grown and firmly implanted themselves in the garden. 

Unfortunately for me today, it had been a long time since I was able to get in the garden due to weather and my schedule so many of those weeds were quite firmly implanted and it is going to take more than one session to get rid of them.  It is the same with the "weeds" in our life. 

It takes approximately 3 weeks to make or break a habit, so if the weeds are firmly implanted in your life, it will take more than a single effort to get rid of them.  It will take conscious, repeated efforts to get rid of them and restore your life garden to a state of beauty.


To having a beautiful Life Garden

Fran Watson

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