Monday, August 15, 2011

Don't Let Your "Not Now" become your "Never

by Roslyn Franken

"How soon 'not now' becomes 'never'" - Martin Luther

How true is that quote? For example, how many times do you think about going for a walk or doing a workout and you say you'll do it 'later' and then it never happens?

This kind of 'not now' attitude can be paralyzing. We have the best of desires and intentions but due to our own fears, laziness or mixed up priorities, we just never seem to get ahead and reach our goals.

Here are some questions for you to think about and 5 Steps to help you break free from your 'Not Now' attitude. If you have questions and/or would like to share your answers for feedback, send email to

What are some of the things you want to improve in your life that you are saying 'not now' to? For example, are you looking to...

lose weight and get in shape?
improve your overall health and well-being?
have more energy?
have more fun, laughter and passion in your life?
be happier, relax more and have greater inner peace?
slow down your busy life?
make better decisions?
If these are things you want to do, have or be, then are you going to sit back and let your 'not now' turn into your 'never'?

We all put things off at different times in our lives for different reasons. Especially when it comes to our health and happiness goals, it's so easy to procrastinate. I hear it all the time.

I'm too busy
I'm too tired
I don't have time
I'm too lazy
I don't have money
I should be able to do it on my own
Do any of these sound familiar? If yes, then let's look at the high cost of your 'not now' attitude.

Every time there is something you know you need to do and you say to yourself 'now now' or 'I'll do it later', all you are doing is setting yourself up for the inevitable stress and overwhelm that will result because the more you say this to yourself and the more you don't take care of the things you truly want to take care of in your life, the worse you will feel about yourself and the more you'll get stuck in this vicious cycle.

By putting off your health and happiness goals, the cost can be tremendous. For example, if you're too tired and lazy to eat properly, exercise and get proper rest, then your heart and blood will get tired and lazy too. When your heart and blood get tired and lazy, it is called a HEART ATTACK. If that happens, then what? It is going to cost you a lot more time, money and energy to get back on your feet to where you were at prior to the heart attack, if ever, than if you invested in yourself to start with which could have prevented the heart attack to begin with.

So here are 5 steps to break free from this unhealthy cycle.

DON'T PUT THIS OFF TILL LATER - don't think to yourself, "Oh, this sounds good, but I'll read it later"
MAKE YOUR HEALTH AND HAPPINESS YOUR TOP PRIORITIES - Yes. Your work, family and other responsibilities are important, but if you are not taking care of YOU, you will continue to live a limited life physically, mentally, emotionally and spirtitually. When you take charge of your health and happiness, it changes your whole outlook and quality of life. If you have the power to improve your health and happiness starting today, what would stop you?
MAKE THE DECISION TO EMBRACE CHANGE NOW - be honest with yourself right this moment. If you're a 'not now' person and it is clearly not serving you, then make the decision this moment to embrace change instead of continuing to resist it tooth and nail. It's time to let go of the resistance. Just letting go will help you feel better.
BE WILLING TO DO THE WORK AND MAKE THE COMMITMENT - Improving your health, your body, your outlook and your quality of life takes work. If you truly want to be healthier and happier, it takes time, effort and commitment. What you put in will determine what you get out of it and believe me that it is all so worth it if you just give yourself permission to DO IT.
TAKE ACTION - I often hear people say they're afraid of taking action because they're afraid of change, afraid of failure, or afraid they're too lazy to do the work and make the commitment. I encourage you to feel the fears, recognize the self-doubts, ignore the laziness and DO IT anyways. Sometimes it's that first step that is the hardest. I encourage you to dig deep and fine the courage to step beyond your fears, rise to the occasion, stand tall and make things happen. You can do it!
These five steps are so important for any positive change you want to make in your life. Don't let your 'not now' become your 'never'.

Roslyn Franken is a proud cancer survivor who has also overcome her own personal battles with food, weight and healthy lifestyle obstacles. She now helps people live healthier, happier lives by sharing the 9 healthy living principles found in her ground breaking book, The A List: 9 Guiding Principles for Healthy Eating and Positive Living. She offers tele-coaching and support programs and motivational speaking services. For more information and to join Roslyn's mailing list for healthy tips, recipes and special anouncements, visit


You may use this article, but only if you clearly include this complete statement with it:

Roslyn Franken is a proud cancer survivor who has also overcome her own personal battles with food, weight and healthy lifestyle obstacles. She now helps people live healthier, happier lives by sharing the 9 healthy living principles found in her ground breaking book, The A List: 9 Guiding Principles for Healthy Eating and Positive Living. She offers tele-coaching and support programs and motivational speaking services. For more information and to join Roslyn's mailing list for healthy tips, recipes and special anouncements, visit

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