Sunday, January 11, 2009


Fiery redhead
Vacuous blonde
Brittle brunette
Too often we let our perceptions
of what we think people are
interfere with their reality.
We are influenced by the movie industry
who portray women in such roles
and we believe them to be true,
so much so that we sometimes
cannot believe in,
An intelligent blonde
A soft brunette,
A calm readhead.

How many other opportunities do we miss?
How many times do we dismiss people
because of their outer appearance.
Fearing them,
Distrusting them,
Demeaning them,
without giving them a chance
to show who they really are,
the person inside the outer shell.
The dreamer
The poet
The artist
The singer
The writer
The caring soul.
Perhaps it’s time to open our eyes
and hearts
and minds
and really look at those around us.
To reach out to them,
to gain new ideas
to learn about others,
and share something of ourselves,
instead of dismissing them so lightly.
Let’s start today with an open mind
and a smile for a stranger
who might someday
become a friend
to you or someone else
Because of that smile.

Have a wonderful year!!
Fran Watson

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